
Paris has a secret weapon in its battle against Mbappe

Sudan Events – Agencies

Paris Saint-Germain maintains an argument that it believes will strengthen its position in the conflict with French striker Kylian Mbappe, who recently joined Real Madrid, over dues.
Mbappe had complained to Paris and demanded that he pay late salaries and bonuses totaling 100 million euros. Paris believes that he has a promise from Mbappe not to leave Saint-Germain for free, and relies on that in the decision to deprive him of salaries and bonuses. Paris believes that he can cite Mbappe’s promise with the testimonies of those present in the alleged meeting in which Kylian gave his word that he would not leave for free, she indicated that among these witnesses may have been sports advisor Luis Campos and technical director Luis Enrique himself, in addition to some club employees.
Paris also relies on the statement that Mbappé made publicly, when he said: I am very excited about this season. We have many titles to compete for. I have not made a decision yet. I have not chosen yet, but in any case, according to the agreement I reached with the president in the summer. My decision does not matter because we succeeded in protecting both parties and ensuring calm in the club to focus on the upcoming challenges, so the rest is secondary.

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