Implementing a campaign to combat Stubborn in Halfa

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
Director of the National Plant Protection Department in New Halfa, Yahya Musa Adam, announced that his department has implemented a campaign to combat the stubborn which is considered one of the deadly pests and is spreading in the New Halfa Agricultural scheme .
He explained that the department has been implementing its campaigns against the stubborn from January to June because the stubborn insect reproduces during this period when it is in the summer whitening stage, i.e. the dormant period, which facilitates the control process, indicating that the stubbornness begins to spread in the fall and during this period it is difficult to control.
He attributed the delay of the campaign this year to the security conditions surrounding the country, as it began on the first of June, adding that the campaign included large areas of the project, starting from the Demyat area to the Khor Al-Qaqi area, and these areas are located west of the agricultural scheme .
He added that the area that was surveyed amounted to 2,400 hectares and 1,150 trees.
He pointed out that the stubborn insect was found in large numbers in these areas and was treated with the Histil pesticide at a dose of a quarter liter per hectare and the area treated was estimated at 500 trees. Musa pointed out that the eastern area of the project, extending from (Khor Al-Laban )to Misk, was estimated at about 1,800 hectares and was surveyed and no stubborn insect was found there.
He said that it is considered one of the traditional areas for the stubborn pest, adding, “We reassure farmers in the New Halfa Agricultural scheme that the area is free of the stubborn pest this season.”