
Islamic Movement: European Sanctions will not distract us from our duties

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Islamic Movement considered the European Union sanctions on Secretary-General Ali Karti an attempt to evade the consequences of their “shameful plan, and to occupy and distract public opinion from the crime they and their agents committed against Sudan and the Sudanese.”
The Islamic Movement said in a statement on Tuesday that the sanctions will not distract the movement from its duties, and it considers them a necklace of honor on the chest of the Secretary-General, and the Islamic Movement becomes more certain that it is right to defend the land and honor in the epic of dignity.
The statement explained that the plan of the West and its agents in the region aimed at tearing Sudan apart, destroying its capabilities, plundering its wealth, and attempting to steal its will and oppress its people will not see the light, Allah willing, and we have an eye that blinks, and we will remain on the lookout for it with our old and young, and we will not hesitate to give the most precious thing we have so that our people in Sudan live in dignity and honor, and the sanctions and intimidation will not frighten or deter us.
The statement added that the movement’s path does not look back and does not look to anything but the sky until Sudan returns to being a dear country that accommodates everyone in security and peace.

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