
Those are without Support .. Fleeing from the Death to the Death

Sudan Events – Agencies

The building shook on its four pillars after the two warring parties in the Sudanese capital exchanged shells and their clashes intensified. War does not differentiate between buildings, so the bullets and “shells” that were fired did not care that there were hundreds of children in the home who had lost support and identity and had taken refuge since the moment of their birth, which was filled with the smell of death, in the home to give them life, but in vain.

Health problems:

Magda, an infant who had not completed her first year, came to the home, which is popularly and officially known as “Al-Maigoma House for Children Without Support,” hoping to provide her with a decent life, after a passerby found her on the side of the road.
Magda was suffering from health problems that worsened after moving from one city to another, and in light of the lack of health and nutritional care, the hand of death snatched her soul in the city of Gedarif while the fears of the workers in the home are increasing from the high number of deaths among children – according to the kind director of the home, Dr. Abeer Zakaria.
Magda is one of about 100 children who lost their battle for survival after the cessation of health and food care, and the electricity generator that gave the children the oxygen of life – according to the teacher at the home, Sabah Abdullah, who spoke to (Al-Taghyeer).
She added: “We lost 14 children in one day due to the electricity generated by the home, bringing the number of children who died in Khartoum to 69 children.
Zakaria says: The suffering of the children and the deaths began on the second day of the war after the mothers and health and nutrition cadres went to their homes, and after 5 days, the Hadhirin organization intervened and brought food supplies, children’s needs, and workers’ incentives, which contributed greatly to the mothers’ return.
She adds: Despite the efforts that were made, (69) children died in Khartoum due to the war.
Most of them were buried in the eastern square of the home due to the ban on burial in mass graves, and no death certificates were issued for them.
Children’s suffering:

Minister of Social Development in Khartoum State, Sadiq Fereini who supervises the care centers, affirmed the accuracy of the number.
He told (Al-Taghyeer), when the war broke out, the number of children in the “Al-Maigoma” Orphanage was 385 children, some of whom were detained in Khartoum state hospitals under full medical care from Doctors Without Borders, which the ministry committed to providing services to the children until April 30. As a result of the “We Do Not Let War” on April 15, the organization left Khartoum without any prior arrangement, which led to the cessation of some of the services it provided.
The workers in the home were hoping that the children’s suffering would end after they were evacuated to Gezira state “Wad Madani”, which is about 200 kilometers southeast of Khartoum, by the Red Cross, after more than 40 days under bombardment and siege. The evacuation took place after the truce signed by the two parties to the conflict in Jeddah forum, which was facilitated by the United States of America USA and Saudi Arabia.
The opportunity was ripe to save the children from the specter of death – according to the official spokesman for the Red Cross, Adnan, who spoke to (Al-Taghyeer).
Adnan says that the Red Cross evacuated about 300 children with more than 70 supervisors from Al-Maigoma in Khartoum to Gezira state and Wad Madani last year.
We also evacuated 10 children who were stranded in the Khair Orphanage Association. This comes within the role that the Red Cross plays in humanitarian evacuation when the warring parties agree on the evacuation process and there are security guarantees.
Deterioration of the situation:

The situation of the children in Madani was no better than in Khartoum after fatigue took its toll on their thin bodies and their health deteriorated, so a number of them were transferred to Madani Hospital for treatment – according to the teacher Sabah Abdullah recounts with regret: The children’s suffering increased after their evacuation from Khartoum due to the lack of health and food care, which resulted in the death of a number of children due to high temperatures.
She adds: The children are still suffering from power outages, the lack of air conditioners in a number of rooms, and the lack of a suitable place for children.
The children’s suffering did not stop after they left Khartoum.
After the Rapid Support Forces RSF took control of Wad Madani last December, a new chapter of suffering began. From the first day, life came to a complete standstill, and they were deported to Kassala – about 600 km east of Khartoum – by UNICEF.
However, the children remained in buses for 48 hours, which led to the death of a child with disabilities – Sabah said.
Psychological support :

UNICEF evacuated 253 children to Kassala after the outbreak of fighting in Gezira last December.

The children of Maigoma lived in poor psychological conditions due to the killing and siege they faced throughout their stay in Khartoum and Wad Madani, according to Saddam Ahmed, a psychological specialist at Maigoma Home.
Saddam told (Al-Taghyeer ) that the children overcame the psychological effects after arriving in Madani thanks to the help of mothers and researchers who gave them psychological support to get rid of the effects, which affected their psychology and changed the way they played, ate, and interacted with activities and programs.
Saddam continues: 24 children need operations for umbilical hernia, undescended testicles, heart and kidney problems, in addition to 48 children with disabilities.
Disabled children face more problems in terms of rehabilitation and training because these problems deprive them of the issue of sponsorship.
He confirms that the role of Doctors Without Borders was great in Maigoma and left an imprint on its program, but unfortunately no organization came to continue in the same approach.
Saddam asked Doctors Without Borders to return to providing its services to children to alleviate the suffering they are experiencing due to the war that has affected everything.

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