Political Reports

Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia.. Government steps to end their suffering

The Sudanese government, represented by its Embassy in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, led by the Sudanese Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Al-Zain Ibrahim Hussein, is making great efforts and shuttle movements to end the suffering of more than 6,000 Sudanese refugees in the Ethiopian forests of “Oulala”, as the Embassy seeks to provide in-kind assistance to the refugees in cooperation with voluntary and donor organizations, and continues its efforts with the Ethiopian authorities to alleviate their suffering and provide them with security.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

Possible assistance :

Sudan Events’s follow-ups from the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, indicate that the Sudanese mission in Addis Ababa has made contacts with the Ethiopian side for the purpose of coordination and following up on the outcomes of the Sudanese Humanitarian Emergency Committee on the best ways to receive refugees wishing to return and assist them, after which the ambassador will meet with the Qatari representative of the (UNHCR) in Ethiopia to discuss the matter. The embassy also moved earlier and called on the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Addis Ababa to provide any possible assistance to Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia, whether in kind or facilitating the movement procedures for those crossing to their families in Arab countries and visa applicants.

Multiple Meetings :

The appointed Sudanese ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Al-Zain Ibrahim Hussein, previously discussed with both the Minister of State at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mesganu Arga, and Taiba Hassan, Director General of the Department of Refugees and Returnees in Ethiopia, the conditions of Sudanese refugees in the camps of Komer and Olala in the Amhara region and the suffering they face due to the security situation in the region and the weakness of the assistance provided to them.
The two meetings held during the past few days discussed coordination between the Sudanese embassy, ​​the Ethiopian authorities and the UNHCR to provide security and necessary services to refugees, including the possibility of allocating safer places for refugees.

Solving the problem:

Head of the Sudanese community in Ethiopia, Khaled Karam, said that they are closely linked to cooperation with the Sudanese embassy in Addis Ababa with those coming to them from the country to identify their problems and try to solve them.
Karam told Sudan Events that the Sudanese Embassy in Ethiopia, led by Ambassador Al-Zain Ibrahim, has given great attention to the Sudanese refugees in the Amhara region in cooperation with the executive office of the Sudanese community in Ethiopia.
He said, “There are great and appreciated efforts being made by everyone to solve the refugees’ problems in light of the complicated situations which he said are not only the problem of the embassy or the Sudanese government, but there are several international and local parties.”
He pointed out that the Sudanese government has formed several high-level committees to contribute to solving the problem, and said that the coming few days will bring pleasant surprises in this matter.

Voluntary Return :

The Humanitarian Emergency Committee had announced the assignment of a mechanism consisting of the competent authorities to make the necessary arrangements for shelter and emergency aid to receive Sudanese refugees in the Amhara region bordering Sudan in the camps of Olala and Kumer and the surrounding area, inside Sudanese territory.
The committee confirmed during a meeting headed by Finance Minister Gibril Ibrahim, coordination with the official Ethiopian authorities and the High Commissioner for Refugees through the Sudanese embassy in Addis Ababa to find out the appropriate ways to accomplish the voluntary return mission For those who wish to and discuss ways to deport them.

Accusation Fingers :

The diplomat Al-Tarifi Karmano affirmed that the Sudanese Embassy in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, is making great efforts to end the suffering of Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia.
Karmmano told (Sudan Events ) that the efforts of the Sudanese embassy in Addis Ababa come

despite the challenges it faces, as it is not unlikely that there are fingers from the United Arab Emirates UAE to pressure Ethiopia to tighten the noose on Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia, and he pointed out that Ethiopia should have treated the Sudanese in the same way, considering that Sudan opened its doors to many Ethiopians earlier.

Great Efforts :

The writer specializing in African affairs, Mekki Al-Maghribi, affirmed that the Sudanese Embassy in Addis Ababa, in coordination with the Sudanese community, is making great efforts and duties towards Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia in order to resolve their issue and alleviate their suffering.
Al-Maghribi told Sudan Events hat although the refugees are in areas far from the direct control of the Ethiopian government, which makes it difficult for the Sudanese Embassy to reach them, it is exerting strong pressure on international organizations to solve the problem of the stranded Sudanese.
He affirmed that the Embassy is carrying out daily work in coordination with the community and communicating with the refugees through protests and continuous meetings with international bodies.
He said that the solution lies in continuing to pressure international organizations in order to find a way to evacuate the Sudanese from the camps and return them to Sudan.

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