
Nahud Mobilises 10,000 fighters in Anticipation of Militia Attacks

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The city of Nahud witnessed a military parade and a show of force with formations that included the armed forces SAF, Security Services, Police, Central Reserve, Intelligence Service, Reserve Forces, popular resistance, mobilized, Abbala, and Armed Struggle Movements represented by the Sudan Liberation Army Movement ( SLAM) Minawi and the Sudan Liberation Army Movement ( SLAM) Mustafa Tambour.
A number exceeding 10,000 fighters and vehicles exceeding 500 combat vehicles and other vehicles and means were mobilized.
The commander of the reserve forces, Hamad Safi, and head of the popular resistance, northern sector, Adam Youssuf , said according to the “Official Spokesperson’s Platform” that the work that took place today is an important event and is considered the starting point for preparing the force to confront the enemy, and they issued warnings that Dar Hamar, with its six localities, will not let down the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF and will remain the faithful guardian of the western gate of Kordofan and the souls without it

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