
Curfew time adjustment in Gedarif and Blue Nile

Sudan Events – Follow ups

Gedarif state Security Committee and more Governor of Gedarif, Maj. Gen. (Rtd.) Mohamed Ahmed Hassan Ahmed, announced the amendment of the curfew in the state to be from 7 pm.until 6 am in instead of 9 pm until 6 am.
The State Security Committee called on all citizens and various parties to declare the importance of immediate adherence to the decision.
Governor of Blue Nile State, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Al-Omda Badi, also issued a decision declaring a curfew in the region from 6 pm until 6am starting from Sunday.
The decision directed the ban on the use of motorcycles within the borders of Damazin and Roseires Governorates, and the decision excluded medical emergency cadres, electricity, navigation and motorcycles of the regular forces.

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