
Escalation and paving the way to Jeddah

Zain Al-Abidin Saleh Abdul Rahman

The selection of the locations of the militia battles inside Sudan is not according to plans set by the militia internally, but rather external requirements, i.e. the countries that support the militia in the belief that the defeat of the SAF has become beyond requirements, and the desired goal has become to save the remaining elements of the militia through a political settlement process in Jeddah forum or any other forums, in order to restore the old agenda.. And these people believe that the political settlement will drop Sudan’s lawsuit against the countries that participated with the militia in its war, and are responsible for the sabotage that destroyed the country’s infrastructure, state institutions, factories and agricultural projects, in addition to what citizens in most of Sudan’s regions were exposed to, from genocide, displacement, violations of honor, looting, theft and others..
The defeat of the militia means that Sudan will go with the war files to the International Court so that those countries that participated with the militia pay the costs of reconstruction..
The militia movement inside the villages of Gezira state, and also the militia’s attempts to enter Sennar state and the city of Singa, are aimed at convincing the international community that the military balance Balanced, and the militia still retains its strength that enables it to threaten and control other states.
The statements of the military leaders in the SAF that victory is just around the corner are nothing but wishes that are not supported by actions on the ground, and the continuation of the war means more loss of lives and property and may affect world peace.
This is the vision that the Emirates is building on and is supported by some European Union EU countries, addition to Britain and America, and it is influential on the African Union AU and IGAD.
The UAE is now actively working to deny the accusation that Sudan directed at it through Sudan’s permanent representative to the United Nations UN and Britain has repeatedly tried to obstruct it. When the Emirates failed to obstruct Sudan’s complaint in the United Nations UN it is now trying through its tools to have the militia escalate its war against society in Sudan, and asked it to move the battles to new areas that enjoy security, so that the Emirates can put pressure on the army to accept the settlement project sought by the American envoy Tom Perriello, the African Union AU and also the Security Council through international envoys.
It is known that the Emirates UAE has recruited a number of Sudanese media professionals and others of other nationalities, addition to a number of Sudanese intellectuals in different regions. In the countries of the world, particularly European countries, America and other countries, and these are responsible for exaggerating the information, and showing people that the hands of the militia are capable of reaching any place in Sudan.. On the other hand; The Emirates began to employ a number of Sudanese in different areas to deny Sudan’s accusation against the Emirates, and it began with Abdullah Hamdok, who is present in its territory, to issue the first statement from him, so the Emirati newspaper “Financial”, which is published in the English language, conducted an interview with him. Hamdok denied the reports that the Emirates is playing a supporting role for the militia..
Although the reports came out of a team assigned by the United Nations UN to write a report on the ongoing war in Sudan, in which it confirmed that the Emirates supports the militia, and also reports by a number of American and European newspapers and magazines, and even universities that use satellites have talked about the role of the Emirates in the war.
Hamdok has become a docile tool in the hands of the Emirates, which employs it as it pleases without any shame, and there are now many Sudanese intellectuals who have become part of the campaign that the Emirates wants to deny the accusation against it.
But who are these people who want to convince? Do they want to convince the Sudanese people who stand with the SAF and have a firm belief in the Emirates’ position in the war, or do they want to convince the European Union EU America and other countries of the world that have satellites and monitor all movement in space?
Hamdok’s denial of Emirates’ role in supporting the militia with military supplies and distortion affirmed that the war on Sudan and the SAF is a battle that the Emirates has prepared for a long time and has been able to recruit heads of State and workers in organizations, and the strange thing is Sudanese elements from politicians, media professionals and others.
The role of the external factor in Sudan is great. There are countries that support the militia with weapons, equipment, distortion, mercenaries and others, and there are also countries that are trying to exert pressure in order for there to be negotiations with the aim of reaching a settlement that returns the issue to what it was before April 15, 2023, and returns the militia to play its previous role, and postpones the war for another period of time. The Emirates and also the countries that stand behind it know that the victory of the armed forces SAF over the militia means exposing all the cards of the conspiracy and those who participate in it from internal elements And external…
The role of external players in the Sudanese issue had become clear since Britain rushed to submit the memorandum agreeing to withdraw the UN mission from Sudan, on condition that it does not reveal the items of the mission’s financial spending, and this is something that any Sudanese government in the future must demand to reveal the items of the UN mission’s spending that was headed by Voeckler, because it will reveal the support that was provided to media centers, newspapers, civil society organizations, political figures, parties, and others.
The militia movement and its attempts to enter areas it has not entered before is what the countries with an interest in the war in Sudan are seeking, and the strange thing is that there are channels that are fully prepared to transmit the news sent by the militia at lightning speed without asking about its accuracy, because the goal is not the accuracy of the news or not, the goal is to try to destroy the morale of the Sudanese people, and to lose confidence between the people and the SAF and thus launch an attack by the people on the SAF with the aim of severing the connection between them.. But the people who are fighting with the SAF through the mobilized and the popular resistance shoulder to shoulder with the SAF have become aware of all the plans of the countries and politicians who are conspiring against the country, and after awareness there is no reminder that can be said.. We ask Allah for success and good insight..

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