
Stopping the War and Ending the Fighting in Sudan

Amjad Farid Al-Tayeb

It goes through depoliticizing the slogan of stopping the war and distancing it from the goals of Taqddum Alliance and the Emirates, which seek to harness it in order to maintain the institutional presence of the Rapid Support Forces RSF militia.
Taqddum seeks to ensure the presence of the militia as a lever for its rise to power when the war ends, in light of the alliance of the popular outcasts that brings them together, and the Emirates seeks to ensure the presence of the militia to implement its plans and economic ambitions in Sudan’s resources.
Both are trying to blackmail the Sudanese with war and destruction, which the Rapid Support RSF Militia inflicts on the Sudanese everywhere it reaches – the latest of which is what happened in Singa yesterday and what continues to happen in Gezira ,Khartoum and Darfur – to achieve these goals. Blackmailing the Sudanese with war did not spare (Taqddum ) from justifying the militia war and trying to link it to the grievances of the marginalized and denying and justifying its crimes and even fabricating lies about violations and political promotion agreements and participating in the formation of civil administrations, and even repeating the propaganda of the war militia and its propaganda as Bakri Al-Jak, the spokesperson for Progress, did when he promoted the lie of the fall of the engineering corps into the hands of the militia. Taqddum provided political and diplomatic support while the Emirates did not spare anything in supporting the militia with weapons and equipment and both participated with unparalleled diligence in spreading deception and misleading information in favor of the militia.
This blackmail with war is rejected, and our people will stand against it and defeat it, sooner or later, just as they defeated all the tyrants who passed through its history. Ending the war in a real way will be on the correct foundations for building a civil, free and democratic state in Sudan.
These are the foundations that guarantee the end of the institutional presence of the militia and the dismantling of its economic, political and military extensions that it uses to implement its fascist project in Sudan, and at the same time, the initiation of a comprehensive reform process for the Sudanese state apparatus that includes reforming the military and security establishment and removing all political influences from it and removing it from the fields of practicing politics and economics and limiting it only to performing its professional role with the efficiency that is absent from it now.
Ending the war will not be by surrendering to the militia nor by handing over the country and its capabilities to the ambitions of the Emirates or others.
We will never and absolutely not allow the safety of our people and the survival of our country, its independence and our freedom to be hostage to Janjaweed war choir… internal and external.

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