
For the gun that kills the Sudanese.. What does it want from the land?

Azmi Abdel Razek

What is happening today in Sudan is enough to judge that the conspiracy theory is not just imaginations, or political exaggeration about the existence of a hidden force that ignites wars and destroys developing countries, through different scenarios, for mysterious reasons, and others that are not hidden from anyone, of course, but what is sad and confusing is what is happening to the Sudanese in terms of killing and terrorizing, as a result of this war, as a result of hidden hands and international agendas, we do not know what they want and the truth of their goals!

Something is happening in secret :

In his last days, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was reading the memoirs of the American hacker John Perkins (The Economic Assassination of Nations), and he felt that there was something dangerous being plotted against his country, to the point that he went to Russia to form alliances with it, after realizing that Sudan – economically besieged – was on the verge of collapse, and he also felt deep down that he might be the last president of Sudan in its old form and borders.
This is what is happening now if the war does not end in favor of the Sudanese army SAF and the forced displacement operations and attempts to change the demographic nature of the population do not stop in the systematic manner carried out by the Rapid Support Forces RSF .

A Cloud of Blood and Tears :

The horrific news from Sudan continues repeatedly about what is happening on the ground, and it began with El Geneina, the capital of West Darfur, where genocide took place against the Masalit tribe, the indigenous people who previously confronted the French invasion, and those who survived the crimes of Janjaweed fled to Chad in a deplorable state, especially women and children, so that El Geneina today ends up as a ghost town, covered in a cloud of blood and tears.
It is almost the same scenario that is happening in the states of central Sudan, specifically Gezira unprecedented crimes committed in cold blood. The population was completely besieged between the bridges and canals, with looting, killing and starvation, and the farms of Gezira project were turned into training camps and barracks for foreign mercenaries from various countries.
The Rapid Support Forces RSF have been keen to deploy in populated areas, relatively far from army sites, to carry out forced displacement campaigns, with the interruption of internet and communications networks. The massacres that continue to occur in these villages are not an accidental matter, the latest of which was the massacre of Wad al-Noura and the village of Sheikh al-Samani, north of Sennar state. In addition, the horrific and brutal method of killing is closer to Viking attacks, and is a message to those thinking of staying or returning that their fate will not be different from those of these victims.
International conspiracy :

When the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR describes what is happening in Sudan as a tragedy, and talks about the specter of a looming famine, it is thus presenting a glimpse of the horror films that the residents there live through daily, and ignores the bitter truth, which is preparing the ground for those who are armed to the teeth and have hidden agendas, and are working diligently to close all paths of return and escape.
How was it possible for the World community to appeal to the Rapid Support Forces RSF that are besieging El Fasher to open safe corridors for civilians to exit? Where do they want them to go? And for whom do they leave their homes?
Are there currently safe places for them to move to?
The answers to these questions reveal the truth about those who want to displace the population, and they have activated their plan early in the Darfur states, since the days of Omar al-Bashir.
There are no less than 11 million people who have been displaced from Khartoum state alone due to the war, while initial reports speak of 33,000 buildings that have been turned into rubble in the Sudanese capital, whose residents were forced to move, and there are no accurate statistics on the number of dead and missing.
There are entire villages that have been displaced, and a few are struggling to survive, at a time when factories and hospitals are being destroyed, global aid warehouses are being looted, and crops are being seized in agricultural areas, such as: Gezira Scheme , and Jebel Moya, and forests are being burned, supply lines are being cut off, women are being kidnapped, children are being recruited, and everything that makes life possible is being used.

Hemeti’s gun :

The Rapid Support Forces RSF are apparently committing all these atrocities, but the matter goes beyond that, and is mostly linked to perceptions based on expelling the indigenous people from Sudan and controlling resources.
Because this does not happen in the presence of a cohesive national army, which is the solid core of the Sudanese state, the Rapid Support Forces RSF were hired for the mission from “zero distance”, and reinforced with thousands of mercenaries from neighboring countries, trained them and provided them with shipments of modern weapons across the border.
These are advanced weapons supported by jamming systems that are not available to the Sudanese army SAF in addition to providing them with intelligence information and media support. The attack plans and troop movements come to them from behind the scenes, in light of the ambiguity that sometimes surrounds Hemeti’s condition, as he appears from time to time in highly professionally recorded speeches that do not even resemble his way of speaking!
The black propaganda left by this war has spread despair among the displaced, inside and outside Sudan, with the final loss of hope of returning to their homes soon. Before, the same families – while searching for safety – were in an inevitable confrontation with zero options, which opened up one path for them to escape.
They saw their homes being looted and destroyed, and they do not know where they will be compensated, to start their lives anew, as the war has destroyed almost everything they own, and it is not a war of choice, as well as displacement from one state to another, addition to the fact that the lists of requests for external asylum are steadily increasing, suggesting that they no longer have any choice but to leave the homeland.
The complete destruction of the state is not the choice of DAglo family that leads the Rapid Support Forces RSF but rather the choice of those who previously hired their gun to combat illegal immigration, and I mean some European countries – most notably France and Britain – which still provide support, political cover and protection from legal prosecution, and ignore their failure to abide by the laws of war, and coordinate global efforts to condemn the Sudanese government through the humanitarian crisis, and the pretext of the inability to reach relief to those affected by the war, while the relief convoys themselves, moving in areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces RSF raise more doubts about the nature of the joint military activities.

Alternative Earth Scenario :

There is no doubt that this plan began a long time ago, for the moment to come to pounce without any resistance to the usurping enemy and its expansionist dreams, particularly since the world is witnessing a steady increase in population, to the point that within a few decades it may reach 11 billion people.
At the same time, there is a very clear shortage of agricultural land, after the lands of Europe have aged, and a food crisis, a shortage of fertile land, and a scarcity of water are looming on the horizon, and the likely alternative is undoubtedly Sudan, the frozen food basket, after its fragmentation and the spread of despair among its people.
The hidden goal that has become clear today is the project to dismantle Sudan, after emptying it of its population, and forcing them to think about alternative homelands, and creating a new reality on the ground, similar to what is happening in Palestine, or replicating the experience of the Red Indians in US , who were wiped out by European invasions, but when the people of Sudan realize what is being plotted against them, and pay attention to the conspiracy, they can block the road to that colonial project, because no one, no matter how powerful, can subdue the will of the peoples.

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