
Al-Nayer: Most of Sudanese Voluntary Organisations are registered as Just Names

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Economic expert Dr. Mohamed Al-Nayer affirmed that most Sudanese voluntary organisations are registered as just names, and said in his interview to (Sudan Events ) that thousands of organizations were registered with the Humanitarian Aid Commission ( HAC) that did not have the capabilities to provide the required services, except for a very small number of organisations, and called on the State to think in the future about rebuilding Sudanese civil society organizations that have the ability to achieve progress in such current situations .
Al-Nayer affirmed that the situations of the IDPs require major action, and pointed out the inevitability of there being a responsibility from the World community, but he regretted that Sudan did not find any response or support that would rise to the level of aid except from some countries in particular, and added, ”
There was no significant support for the situation in Sudan,” noting the importance of there being Sudanese organisations capable of standing in such situations so that they have the capabilities and capacities.

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