
Directives to tighten Coordination between the Water Authority and the Electricity Administration in the River Nile

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Minister of Infrastructure and Urban Development in the River Nile,Samir Saeed, directed the need to tighten coordination between the State Water Authority and the Sudanese Electricity Transmission Company to improve the services provided to citizens and address the outages in electricity and water services in the state.
The Minister chaired, on Thursday, the joint meeting in his office at the Ministry’s headquarters in Atbara, in the presence of Ammar Mohamed Al-Hassan, Director of the Sudanese Electricity Transmission Company, River Nile Sector, and Adel Khader, Director of the state Water Authority. The meeting affirmed the need to address violations and random connections, which cause increased loads and outages, in addition to launching joint campaigns against connection violations.
The meeting called for addressing electricity and water problems and outages and reviewing areas not covered by water services from the state Water Authority.
The meeting also praised the relative stability in the level of service provided to citizens, calling for doubling efforts to achieve complete stability in water and electricity services in the River Nile.

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