
Their Registrations are Constantly increasing.. Sudanese refugees in Libya have become a political card between governments of Dabaiba and Haftar

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

Only those who cross the desert on the Libyan-Sudanese-Chadian border know the value of a dose of water, where the high condensation and the sand continue to descend, thirst and hunger are widespread. Here, there is no room for life to begin, as there is no water, no trees, and no life. If you run out of water and food, you are doomed, even if you lose your way, which is something that often happens to those who venture into the depths of this barren desert without experience and without knowledge of its paths and routes.
Thousands have perished on this road and traces of their death can be found, especially the modern ones, on the road, skulls and remains of human bones and others of animals that perished in the desert, a road that only the forced take, which is what happens to thousands of Sudanese who fled from Sudan to escape the war to the cities of southern Libya, especially the city of Benghazi, which can be said to be the only Libyan city that can handle the numbers of Sudanese fugitives, but it also does not necessarily handle a large registration because Benghazi itself is a small city compared to Benghazi and Tripoli and its services are limited and “otherwise” thousands of fugitives from Sudan have arrived there, putting severe pressure on its services and resources, prompting the spokesman for the Kufra Municipality, Abdullah Suleiman, to say that the registration of a migrant from Sudan to Kufra has reached about a third of the city’s population and that people are placing them in a bad position in light of the history of the local authorities in the Kufra Municipality from several Iraqis due to their inability to control the field conditions. He added that the medical and relief teams in the municipality have monitored the presence of more than 100 migrants infected with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and more than 800 people are infected with hepatitis, and he expressed his fear of the possibility of the spread of diseases among citizens in light of the lack of support for municipal efforts in light of the increasing daily flow of immigrants, which naturally leads to the protection of refugees and citizens together.
A catastrophic situation :

After the harsh desert journey, the fugitive finds himself in a catastrophic situation in Kufra and its surroundings, a situation that, as the duration increases, pushes you to try to reach Ajdabiya and Benghazi. Anwar Al-Zawi, who works in the field of relief, says that the situation is catastrophic in light of the presence of hundreds of migrants stuck in the middle of the desert in the border triangle area between Libya, Sudan and Chad, and in light of the overcrowding of refugees and the weak capabilities of the Kufra municipality, which may decrease day after day with the increasing number of migrants, while the municipality has not received any real support for the reality with the size of the crisis.
He added, “International organizations are only good at publishing statistics that do not mention their sources, while they should contribute to finding solutions before the situation explodes. Kufra is no longer able to receive more migrants.
There are also other ways to reach migrants, specifically through Chad, reaching Murzuq and Qatar in southwestern Libya.
There are also a number of migrants who, in turn, discuss several problems and the solution is for these organizations to establish camps to receive migrants and provide assistance with food and treatment for the afflicted, and to stop marketing advertisements. “The situation will get worse because the issue of Sudanese refugees has entered the political arena inside and outside Libya,” she continued.
Achieving points :

The Libyan politician Ashraf Al-Shah says that the Tripoli government, which is hostile to the Benghazi government, has proposed an initiative to resolve the Sudanese crisis by having a meeting between Burhan and Hemeti in light of the exchange of accusations between the Sudanese government and Khalifa Haftar, whom Khartoum accuses of sending weapons to the Rapid Support Forces RSF . He is directing, despite the latter’s denial, to remain objective because Hemeti is close to Khalifa Haftar and they have common interests. Everyone remembers Haftar when he decided to tighten the noose on the Tripoli government and sent most of his forces to attack Tripoli.
In April 2019, he sought the help of Hemeti, who sent him about a thousand of his forces to protect Benghazi and enable Haftar’s forces to attack Tripoli.
Therefore, Haftar will not allow Dabaiba, who is looking for any political victory over the points of the Sudanese crisis.
He continues, “There is competition between Dabaiba and the head of the Libyan Political Council, Mohamed Al-Manfi, and Dabaiba is now trying to appear as an influential player in regional affairs, particularly after the decline in his popularity and internal preparation.
In addition, his proposal of any initiative will open up papers for him to communicate with the opposing parties in the Sudanese affair, as it enables him to intensify communication and with the UAE, which is supported by the Emirates.”
It also enables him to communicate with Egypt, which is supported by the UAE.
However, Cairo is not in agreement with Dabaiba and seeks to remove him. He continued, “Dabaiba does not seek to solve the Sudanese crisis as much as he seeks to solve its crisis through the Sudanese crisis. As for Haftar, he is fighting here politically on both fronts, internally to prevent any success regarding the file of Sudanese refugees who are reaching an initiative to resolve the crisis, and externally against the Sudanese government and the Sudanese army, which he accuses of passing supplies to the Rapid Support RSF Militia.”
He said, “Turning Sudanese refugees into a political card in Libya will harm them and kill them.”
Refugee numbers :

The International Medical Corps was the first humanitarian organization in Libya to work to reduce rapid violence in the city of Kufra. The total number of Sudanese refugees reached 45,000 refugees, most of whom are in an area called (the farm) in Kufra. Approximately 15,000 people died in this farm in all these locations, and they receive between 250 and 300 new arrivals daily.

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