
A proposal for Important Measures to be taken to Protect Towns and Cities

Dr. Al-Kheider Haroun

The course of events that began years ago with an unprecedented blatant interference in Sudanese affairs, then that interference developed into a comprehensive war that almost destroyed everything in our country, Sudan, if you contemplate its details, targeting universities, hospitals, electricity and water stations, museums, and civil registry centers, and even the racist language of the fighters targeting specific ethnicities, a logical and sound analysis will not lead you to anything but a war targeting the existence of Sudan as a unified entity and a comprehensive homeland, and it aims far to the extent of replacing its inhabitants with others from beyond its borders, in what seems to me to be a new formula for the most recent colonialism.
We do not say the new because we have lived through the woes of the new since we obtained formal independence, we and most of the colonies, if not all of them.
True independence is to become able to produce your food or be able to buy it from your own money, as well as your clothing, treatment, and weapons, not to have all or most of that come to you from the same forces that colonized you and plundered your wealth for decades and on their terms. The evidence of the magnitude and enormity of this eradication aggression is the international and regional political, diplomatic and even media collusion that clings to a ridiculous narrative that the matter is nothing more than a war between two power-hungry generals, and he sees on the media the citizens of Geneina being dragged and in Gezira eing brutally killed and expelled from their homes, and the women being raped and minors being sold in the slave markets.
Perhaps the overwhelming majority of Sudanese have realized the dimensions of this brutal aggression and that it is above all affiliations and is not just a political conflict between different visions, but rather an aggression that targets him in all aspects of targeting, and that if he does not confront it with all his might, he will be killed by regrets for his role in the loss of the homeland, if not killed by bullets.
Therefore, I saw that you, perhaps speaking the truth, if the article is difficult, see with me the necessity that the effort now be directed, or should be directed, to preserving what remains of the homeland until we are able to restore all its parts, which are all our homeland. And since villages, towns and cities are still falling due to the disobedience of some of their sons from within and their assistance in guiding the enemies to them, the conspiring militia, by spying and exposing their weak points, or for another reason, which is the lack of professional military presence in them due to the wide spread of the SAF throughout the vast homeland and because the situations before the war did not require that, it is necessary to confront those weak points and prevent them from remaining a cause of people’s suffering and the loss of the homeland by achieving the goals of the aggression.
Therefore, I saw through these lines the proposals that remain open to your pens to increase or correct to fill that deficiency represented by the small number of forces needed to protect all areas and to end the dormant destructive cells of the Bin Al-Alqami Party that helped the Tatars in Baghdad, with a package of strict measures by repeating the statement that others called for and I called for a while ago, which is to strive in the areas that still remain in the embrace of the homeland in anticipation of achieving complete victory over the militia and a vehicle for it, by working to form elected advisory bodies that represent the citizens, starting with the towns, then the cities, then the states, as follows:
– The local authorities supervise the formation of councils for the villages, towns, then cities, up to the state levels from the people through direct election by the citizens and limiting the foreign presence and those coming from other displacement areas and working with the military and security units to neutralize and monitor the dormant cells with the required caution that does not take people into suspicion on the basis of (the accused is innocent until proven guilty) and in a way that does not lead to undermining the national social fabric through tribal and regional sorting with the necessary firmness at the same time. –
The military units and regular forces will complete the shortage they determine in each region by training those capable of carrying weapons with advanced training on all weapons and accurately counting those mobilized in order to limit the weapons to those who have been handed over so that they do not end up in hands that tamper with the safety of citizens and the necessity of preventing them from reaching parties lying in wait for the country from the rebel militia and fanatical terrorist groups alike.
This is intended to fill the military and intelligence shortage that the armed forces SAF complain about and attribute to it the reason for the fall of cities and towns from the youth of each region where the necessary military presence imposed by the war is weak.
Perhaps this is the goal and purpose of the popular resistance.
1The necessity of confining and monitoring the arrivals from areas of displacement to new areas and counting them accurately by name through the identity cards they carry without harming them if they are Sudanese, while sorting out the foreigners and informing the competent authorities about them to deal with them according to the prevailing laws.
⁃ Establishing early warning and reconnaissance points outside the population centers equipped with the necessary equipment and four-wheel drive vehicles with regular combing and conducting patrols day and night, setting up barriers, digging trenches, and providing all areas with some heavy weapons such as armored vehicles and marches.
As for the smaller villages that do not have regular forces, they are guarded by the mobilized with a limited number of members of the regular forces to maintain security and maintain order.
– Full coordination is carried out with the Air Force through the regular forces in all places for rapid intervention that may be necessary.
– This requires other procedures in the cities such as registering the owners of marginal professions and their locations and ensuring the presence of the secret police among them.
This may require the cancellation of artisanal mining due to this war and monitoring the displacement to the areas and ensuring its necessity while preventing the gatherings of tea ladies and dardaqats and making accurate files for all of them.
It is also necessary to assign inspections on the roads crossing the states and at the entrances of cities to competent, loyal people known for their integrity, and to examine papers and movables with the utmost seriousness, and to allow traffic to only take place during daylight hours and to avoid the darkness of night.
◦ The elected councils should be informed of the issues of opening schools, completely eradicating illiteracy, and health work such as establishing health centers and providing medicines.
Combating drugs and harmful behaviors, and allocating places for collective farms to grow grains and vegetables and raise animals in order to cover the needs of each region as much as possible. And to encourage businessmen in each region to establish service projects such as preparing mobile housing for the displaced and what this requires in terms of health facilities and others.
And to encourage young people with the first competencies to create other cheap sources of alternative energy and to generalize the necessary computer knowledge and to encourage young people to engage in manly sports such as swimming, track and field, etc.
These councils at the level of villages, towns, cities and states shall be consultative councils for the executive bodies and their decisions on non-military matters shall be enforceable and the matter shall continue until stability is achieved and elected councils are established according to the normal democratic arrangements.
Young men and women may also volunteer to help fill the shortage of civilian cadres in government offices, teaching and nursing.
Conclusion :

Failure to take these measures or any other measures to fill the military and intelligence shortage through the required and strict training of the mobilized youth of the nation, makes the successive fall of cities an unacceptable and unjustified matter that places the responsibility of preserving the national territory as an unattainable goal and a deficiency with the ability to complete and makes the consequences of defeats and the occupation of more cities and the consequences of that of displacement and killing on the SAF and regular forces alone.

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