
Al-Sisi to (Sudan Events ): Abiy Ahmed’s visit to Sudan could advance the Negotiation Dossier

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

Head of the National Movement Powers , Dr. Al-Tijani Al-Sisi, said that the visit of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to Sudan has many implications and that Port Sudan has become very important, as is evident from the rapid visits of representatives of countries to it.
Al-Sisi added in his interview with (Sudan Events ) “It is true that the Sudanese government has some objections to the positions of the African Union AU particularly after the suspension of its membership addition to Hemeti’s visit to Addis Ababa last year, but the visit could lead to thawing the ice in Sudanese-Ethiopian relations and could advance the negotiation Dossier .
He hoped that Abiy Ahmed’s visit would have positive results and lead to a review of the African Union AU’s position regarding the suspension of Sudan’s membership and a review of the position of the IGAD countries.

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