
Arrangements for Turkish Companies to invest in Gold Exports in Sudan

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Turkish company Alqam announced the resumption of the company’s activity in the field of mining in the Northern state.
General Manager of the Alqam Industrial Group, Engineer Omar Al-Sheikh, revealed during a joint meeting (Wednesday) with the Governor of the Northern state and the Director of the Office of the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company (SMRC)Limited in the state, which discussed the arrangements for the Turkish company to resume mining activity in the Delgo locality, in addition to introducing new companies in the mining sector and investing in gold exports, he revealed their desire to expand the scope of investment in the mining sector in the Northern state, and stressed the company’s commitment to implementing all agreed-upon outcomes, and stressed their keenness to fulfill all obligations towards the communities hosting industries and mining activities.
For his part, Director of the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company (SMRC) Office in the Northern state, Abdul Rahman Mahjoub Al-Nadeef, said that the meeting reviewed the Turkish company’s preparations to resume work in the mining sector, and pledged to provide all technical assistance to the company’s management to reach the production stage again, calling for doubling efforts and increasing production to support the national economy and provide services to communities hosting industries and mining activities, appreciating the great coordination with the state government, security services and the local community regarding mining issues in the state.

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