
Militia loots Machinery, Seeds and Fertilisers from Agricultural projects

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Farmers in Gedarif state accused, on Tuesday, the Rapid Support RSF Militia of looting agricultural machinery, seeds and fertilizers from agricultural projects located on the border between Gedarif and Sennar, which poses a threat to the current agricultural season.
Sources said according to “Sudan Tribune” that “the Rapid Support RSF Militia carried out looting operations in a number of villages located on the border between Gedarif and Sennar states, addition to looting agricultural projects, which led to the displacement of residents of the villages of Al-Dahira and Abu Al-Dawa to the city of Al-Hawata in Gedarif state.”
Farmers in Al-Rahad locality in Gedaref state warned of the incursion of militia elements and blocking the road to farmers’ movement after looting agricultural equipment, machinery, seeds, fertilizers and fuel from agricultural projects.
The farmer in Al-Rahad locality, Mohamed Abdullah Ahmed, revealed that the Rapid Support RSF Militia targeted a number of farmers in an attempt to thwart the agricultural season.
He pointed out that the incursion of these forces led to a delay in agricultural operations and land preparation, despite the early rainfall.

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