
African Presidential Committee to Communicate with Burhan and Hemedti

Sudan Events – Agencies

The African Peace and Security Council revealed the start of the work of a special committee composed of African heads of government to deal with the two parties to the conflict in Sudan, President of the Sovereignty Council TSC Commander of the SAF, Lt.Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and Commander of the Rapid Support RSFMilitia, Hemedti, to immediately stop the fighting without conditions.
The Initial deliberations to prepare for the Sudanese political process were opened in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Wednesday under the auspices of the African Union AU.

President of the African Peace and Security Council, Manguel Membe, said in a speech during the opening session: The African Union AU decided to hold an extraordinary African summit on Sudan in the coming months.
Membe affirmed that the council has been working with interest since the outbreak of the conflict in Sudan and has held meetings at the level of presidents, ministers and various committees to resolve it.
At the same time, he expressed a feeling of sorrow despite the efforts of the international community to stop the war, but the conflict nevertheless continued, worsened and spread to new parts of Sudan.
Mbe referred to reports that more than 100,000 people have been killed in the ongoing conflict since mid-April between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces RSF.
He noted that the humanitarian crisis in Sudan has reached dangerous levels, amid reports that the country is on the brink of famine, and the number of displaced persons has risen to 10 million, in addition to 2 million refugees in neighboring countries.
Mbe pointed out that there is documentation of cases of violations of international human rights law, racial discrimination, sexual assaults, and the destruction of infrastructure.
The President of the African Peace and Security Council described the situation in Sudan as a humanitarian disaster, affirming that the last meeting of the Council at the level of presidents agreed that the African Peace and Security Council APSC would deal with this message by stopping the fighting as a top priority.
He noted the formation of a committee dedicated to the heads of government to deal with the two parties to the conflict, SAF Commander Lt.Gen. Burhan and militia leader Hemeti, to immediately stop the fighting without conditions, and it will begin work next week.
Mbe expressed the Council’s deep concern about external interventions and those who fuel the conflict by providing financial and military support to the two parties to the conflict.
He revealed that the African Peace and Security Council had directed the Sanctions Committee to identify these sources of support, and asked the African Union AU Commission to consider ways to protect civilians and agreed to hold an extraordinary summit in the coming months on Sudan.
In this context, the Executive Secretary of the IGAD Organization, Workneh Gebo, said: Since the outbreak of the war, the organization has helped bring the parties together to attend the negotiating table, but these efforts have stopped due to the obstruction of those who support this conflict.
He affirmed that dialogue is essential to restore the constitutional system in Sudan, and he also noted the importance of this political process being comprehensive with broad representation.
He continued: “In this process, attention must be paid to ensuring that this is a process owned by the Sudanese because the conflict has witnessed many external interventions.”

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