
The Unionist ( Origin )Party: We welcome the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue as a way to resolve the crisis

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Democratic Unionist ( Origin)Party announced its acceptance of the African Union’s invitation to the Addis Ababa meeting, and a delegation from the party will participate headed by Hatem Al-Sir, the party’s advisor, and Moataz Al-Fahl, the party’s political secretary, as part of the Democratic Bloc delegation.
The party expressed its deep thanks to the African Union AU for its invitation and initiative.
In a press statement on Wednesday, the party’s deputy chairperson Jaafar Al-Mirghani, affirmed the principled position represented in supporting state institutions and calling for implementing the Jeddah outcomes, strengthening Arab efforts and building on them, and welcoming every effort from friends to achieve the minimum level of national consensus.
He appreciated the efforts of the African Union AU and its deep interest in the Sudanese issue, and its relentless pursuit of finding solutions to the Sudanese crisis, stressing his welcome of the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue as a way to resolve the crisis and achieve stability and peace in Sudan.
Al-Mirghani said, “The party views the Addis Ababa conference as a continuation of the effort that began in the Cairo conference,” and warned of the need to avoid mistakes in drafting the final statement, saying, “It is not important to talk about complete agreement between the parties, as the Sudanese political powers know what they agree on and what they disagree on, but it is important to mention the positions, then bridge the gap between them through discussion, kindness and concessions, and respecting the victims is a duty, to build on it in the stage of restoring rights and redressing the damage.”
The party referred to its participation in the Cairo conference, expressing its thanks and gratitude to the Arab Republic of Egypt for its effective role in hosting the conference and its continuous support for Sudan.
However, the party affirmed that the final statement of the conference was not successful in reflecting the spirit of dialogue and deliberations that took place.
The Democratic ( Origin)Unionist Party reiterated its affirmation of the firm position of the Democratic Bloc, with the consensus of all its components and factions, in supporting state institutions without equivocation, foremost of which is the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF and its consensus to condemn the terrorist crimes that have been and continue to be committed by the rebel Rapid Support RSF Militia.
He explained that the Democratic Bloc is based on main pillars that represent all the spectrums of Sudan and the aspirations of our unified people, led by the Democratic Unionist ( Origin)Party and Commander Minni Arko Minawi, Governor of Darfur, Commander Jibril Ibrahim, Amin Daoud, Nazir Turk and other senior national leaders.
He stressed that the bloc receives applications from many honorable people and welcomes them to form a broad national consensus.
The party pointed to the excellent coordination between the Democratic Bloc and the rest of the Sudanese political powers and blocs, particularly the Political Movement Bloc, the National Consensus Bloc, the Coordination of Democratic Powers , community powers and civil society organizations, affirming their unity on the national line and national constants that represent the will of the Sudanese people and support the State and its institutions, headed by the Transitional Sovereignty Council TSC and the Armed Forces SAF .
The party affirmed its firm attitude in condemning the rebellion.
Deputy head of the Party praised the statement Mohamed Osman Al-Mirghani, Khatmiyya Guide and head of the Party, in which he appreciated the role of Egypt and the Cairo Conference.
Deputy head of the party said that his party seeks to achieve development in the political track, and calls for seizing this political opportunity to make a breakthrough that restores peace to the country, as the Sudanese file enjoys great support today, particularly after the contacts between the foreign ministers of Egypt and US, and the large attendance of ministers and envoys from all countries at the Cairo conference, in addition to the presidential visits from some countries to the head of the Sovereignty Council TSC as well as the visit of the Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister.
The party stressed that this political movement deserves support and assistance, and restores the prestige of the state and the joint work machine, stressing that most crises can be resolved through dialogue and listening to others, particularly friends.

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