
Al-Burhan sets conditions for return to Jeddah negotiations and pledges to crush the Militia

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council TSC, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF Lt. Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, affirmed that there will be no negotiations with the rebel terrorist militia, and said, “We will not go to the Jeddah negotiating platform until they withdraw and leave civilian facilities and citizens’ homes in all the cities of Sudan that they have violated.”
Al-Burhan appreciated, while addressing the localities of Ad-Damar, Atbara and Berber, on Thursday, the cohesion of the Sudanese people’s sectors with all their spectra to support the armed forces SAF.
He said, “As long as this is our way, we will soon win and crush the rebellion, and that we are confident that this battle will end with the defeat of the terrorist militia and its allies and supporters,” noting the suffering of the Sudanese people as a result of the repercussions of the rebellion, and said, “The battle has one end, which is the crushing and destruction of the terrorist militia,” noting the role of the popular resistance committees and those mobilized to defeat the rebel terrorist militia and support it to the armed forces SAF.
Al-Burhan affirmed that “this battle is the battle of the Sudanese people and it is a people’s issue,” adding, “We promised the Sudanese who were displaced and their money was looted and their honor was violated that we will take revenge for them and we will take their full right from the terrorist militia and we will defeat it soon.”
The President of the Sovereignty Council TSC expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the people of Sudan for their support and donations to the armed forces SAF , noting the model of peaceful coexistence enjoyed by the people of Sudan.
He added that if the militia does not leave all areas and does not withdraw, we will fight it until it is eliminated, stressing that the involvement of the Sudanese people in the battle of dignity is a message to the terrorist militia that the Sudanese people will not accept or allow its presence and its agents in the Sudanese scene.

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