
Lt.Gen. AlSadiq: Promotion or Dismissal.. and Other Things

Adel Abdel Rahman Omar

The change that took place in the office of the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC is still hot and interacting on multiple levels, as some social media sites addressed it with extreme malice, deliberate malice, or strange collusion, and I believe that all of this is the product of some imaginations stacked with dense rumors, and most of it stems from a suspicious memory whose hero was Maj.Gen.Taha Osman, the director of the offices of former President Omar al-Bashir, as dangerous scenarios appeared and came out during that era following the expansion of the office director and his bypassing of the concerned state institutions in various affairs, which caused a major imbalance that exceeded its scope to issues that lie at the heart of State security, and Taha’s biography became frightening to some or disturbing to others, which made the president’s office largely exposed to the media and some of his news is being joked about.
The most direct injury that entered Sudan’s goal is the decision to sever relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, which many know how it happened.. and all of that heavy legacy is taken into account when the public discusses any kind of changes in the president’s office.
This historical farce has become necessary to talk about these important offices in the state, but I find that Lt. Gen. Al-Sadiq Ismail Mahmoud is very different from Lt. Gen. Taha Osman, as the former has a completely military background, while the latter has a party legacy that fluctuates up and down, so there is no comparison between them at all, as Lt.Gen.Al-Sadiq was the first of his batch (36) carrying the sword, and his military career is characterized by discipline, strictness, and moderation.
It is by Allah’ will that we worked together at the Sudanese Embassy in Jordan, where he was a military attaché, while I was a media attaché, and then a distinguished relationship developed between us, characterized by brotherhood, warmth, and abundant affection.
Once, the distinguished ambassador Osman Nafie Hamad called me and asked me about a subject, or rather, consulted me on a matter, and before he continued, he asked me if I was (Fair like your name), and from this I will try to strive to bring the image of Lt. Gen. Al-Sadiq closer to public opinion as much as I can, and please excuse me if I did not consult him on that.
Al-Sadiq is characterized by a moderate mood most of the time and he is always smiling. In the most difficult or bitter situations, you will not find anything but that smile and psychological moderation.
Throughout the period that I have known him – and the relationship between us extended even after we both left his attaché – I have never found him angry, upset, or annoyed. In my opinion, this is a divine gift.
He respects the old and the young at the same time and does not differentiate between them.
He treats colleagues, friends, specialists, and others with the same psychological fitness of smiling and calm. This is a very confusing matter for me and for many. Then, one of the things is that no matter the degree of kinship or connection to you, he never talks about issues related to the office or the work he works in.
I claim that I was closer to him than many, but he never talks about those topics. I respected this trait in him and did not initiate questions that would occupy a journalist with (snitches) or major concerns because I know that he will not answer me directly or indirectly about what is happening in his work environment. Therefore, the period of Al-Sadig’s presidency of the President’s Office passed peacefully without any time bombs or critical surprises. All of this happened at a very exceptional time when the Forces of Freedom and Change FFC aimed their artillery at the army leadership, and those five years passed through very inflammatory stages that affected all parts of the Sudanese state.
However, the office of the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC maintained its calm, dignity, and complete secrecy. In my opinion, the credit goes to Lt. Gen.Al-Sadig and his assistants behind him. The fact that the office was held in a different space and away from the effects of explosions and shrapnel is all due to the nature of Lt. Gen. Al-Sadig, which is rooted in his personality, identity, and military discipline. I claim that I have seen and known Al-Sadiq in various situations, as he does not belong to a specific party or even a specific tribe, and he does not belittle anyone or flatter anyone.
Some may think that I am describing the man with qualities that he does not have, but everyone who knew or knew Lt.Gen. Al-Sadiq one day realizes these qualities in him, without exception, young and old, important and unimportant, those who have a role and those who belong to the lower classes of society, they are all equal, he respects them and treats them appropriately.

Lt. Gen. Al-Sadiq belongs to the artillery corps and he is very proud of that, and he has funny and intimate situations when Lt. Gen. Martyr Yassir Fadlallah, who is from the 39th batch, came to us and told me with noticeable enthusiasm that he was from the artillery corps.
One of our beautiful days that preserves our friendship and good work was (Beit Al-Qarasa), which was established by the military attaché in Jordan. It gained its fame and gathered the sick Sudanese and their relatives and honored them with little and much, and that is why it was called (Beit Al-Qarasa) because it is the main meal in it. During his days, the annex expanded and gained fame, and he was keen to invite Sudanese from Jordanian hospitals to have breakfast every Friday until it became a beacon and a destination that everyone celebrated.
I later got to know a wide range of army leaders, officers and soldiers who came to Jordan to study for the higher war and defense or treatment courses, and the leadership of the armed forces, which was interested in this social activity because of the influential service it provided to a segment of Sudanese, and there is a guest house for some of the SAF member.

The closest thing to me to what happened from the exceptional promotion of Maj.Gen.Al-Sadiq to the rank of Lt Gen.and the appointment of Brig.Gen.Adel Sabdarat in his place is read into multiple possibilities, one of which is the end of (Maj.Gen.) Al-Sadiq’s term in the office of the president of the Sovereignty Council. As for the promotion, it is a clear indication of Burhan’s confidence in his former office director, who carried the burden of the office in extremely difficult and complex circumstances and stormy and exhausting events that the country went through and led to this existential war on the Sudanese state.
He could have been promoted and retired, but the President of the Sovereignty Council’s view of Lt. Gen. Al-Sadiq seems distant, as he assigned him the task of presidential and personal envoy, which refutes the rumors and rumours and the foam of talk that does not benefit the people.
It is certain that Lt Gen. Al-Sadiq will accept his new assignment with great energy and skill without encroaching on existing institutions for this purpose, as the mission is clear and specific.
I do not know that Brig. Gen.Adel Sabdarat was among the members of the President’s office, but it is expected that he worked for a considerable period under the command of Maj. Gen. Al-Sadiq previously, and in my estimation he will continue in the manner of his predecessor in discipline and calm with special and new additions specific to him.
If we conduct a survey on a random sample, my words that I mentioned about Lt. Gen.Al-Sadiq will diminish and many of the features and qualities that I overlooked out of modesty so as not to put myself in the realm of complete bias towards him will appear, as what I mentioned is little and very little.
Sorry to the honest team Ismail, I know he does not like the spotlight on him and I have broken his back with his method and morals, but when pens far removed from knowing the truth get to you and slander spreads like wildfire, it makes us give our two cents to reveal the truth only.

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