
SAF Destroys Militia Military Vehicles in Al-Faw

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Sudanese army SAF was able to destroy on Saturday military vehicles belonging to the Rapid Support RSF Militia on the border between Gedarif and Gezira states.
According to “Sudan Tribune”, military sources said that: “While the armed forces SAF in Al-Faw, Gedarif state, were combing the national road linking Gezira state, they were able to destroy two military vehicles belonging to the Rapid Support Forces RSF in Hafira area.”
The sources indicated that the force succeeded in seizing a truck carrying motorcycles, food supplies and documents belonging to the Rapid Support Forces RSF , noting that a number of elements of these forces were killed.
In addition, the sources revealed that the SAF arrested about five Rapid Support Forces RSF elements in possession of large sums of money while they were trying to infiltrate Gedarif state from areas affiliated with Sennar state.

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