
Addis Ababa Conference sets Criteria for Participation in post-war Political Process

Sudan Events – Agencies

Identical sources reported that the Sudanese political powers participating in the Addis Ababa Conference agreed on a number of criteria that would prohibit the participation of any party falling under their jurisdiction in the future political process after the end of the war.
The sources revealed, according to “Sudan Tribune” on Saturday, that heated discussions lasted two days among the participants in the preparatory conference for the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue regarding the participation of the banned National Congress Party MCP in this political process.
“Sudan Tribune” learned that the conference assigned a committee to discuss the participation of the dissolved National Congress Party MCP in the political process after the cessation of the war, due to the importance of the issue, particularly since there are a number of political powers such as the “Taqddum “Alliance, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement ( SPLM) led by Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu, and the Sudan Liberation Movement ( SLM) led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, who were absent from attending the conference after confirmations of the participation of members of the National Congress NCP in the sessions.
After extensive discussion, the committee reached an agreement that the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue would be comprehensive and open to all in principle, with the exception of those who have been sentenced or charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide, or who have been sentenced in accordance with the 2019 Constitutional Document.
The sources affirmed that the leaders of the National Congress Party NCP who were invited did not participate in the preparatory meeting based on the desire of the organizing body after many political powers boycotted the meeting and learned of the opposition of many participants.

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