
Militia Loots Agricultural Machinery, Seeds and Fertiliser from Dinder villages

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Dinder Emergency chamber in Sennar state said that the Rapid Support RSF Militia looted agricultural machinery, seeds and fertiliser from the city’s villages amid warnings of the failure of the agricultural season.
The chamber stated, in a statement on Sunday, that “the Rapid Support RSF Militia collected all agricultural tractors and their accessories from their owners by intimidation, beating and killing from the east, west and north of Dinder locality.”
It indicated that the militia seized about 200 agricultural tractors and collected them in the villages of Al-Farish and Kamrab west of Dinder.
The chamber added that the Rapid Support RSF Militia looted all agricultural seeds, fertilizer and pesticides from the villages and farmers’ stores, which portends the failure of the agricultural season.
It reported that the villages of Kamrab and Al-Farish have become a center and a focus for the Rapid Support Forces RSF from where militia elements launch their looting, robbery and killing, and they have also turned into warehouses for looted goods from Al-Dinder and its villages.
Al-Dinder Emergency chamber indicated that the continued power, water and communications outages, addition to the high prices of consumer goods, threaten the lives of those stranded there.

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