
“Zakat” Begins Distributing monthly Support to the Blind and Disabled in Shendi

Sudan Events Shendi – Rehab Abdullah

Zakat Bureau in Shendi Locality began (Sunday) distributing monthly cash support to 60 people, 30 displaced and 30 residents
for the community segments of the blind, the physically disabled, the deaf and mute, amounting to one million and SDGs 800,000.
The representative of the Executive Director of Shendi Locality, Ahmed Mohamed Reziq , said that the locality pays great attention to the community segments, and pointed to the continuous and ongoing participation of the Executive Director of Shendi Locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, in all activities and programs implemented by the unions of people with special needs and the continuous support from institutions, including the Zakat Bureau , which provides this cash support in the presence of the locality, the Third Division, the Security and Intelligence Service, and the Friends of the Blind Association.
The Secretary of the Zakat Bureau in Shendi Locality, Ayyoub Abdul Majeed, confirmed that the Zakat Bureau has remained close to the community segments, sensing their concerns and checking on their conditions, and that the support provided today is a known right.
Abdul Majeed stated that the Bureau has remained present in all the programs held by the unions of people with special needs.
It is worth mentioning that the Zakat Bureau has developed a program to cover all membership of the unions of people with special needs, including the blind, the physically disabled, the deaf and mute, both expatriates and residents, with cash support in a successive program until all membership in the three unions is covered.

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