
Cairo and Addis Conferences: Will They Succeed in Defuse the Sudanese Crisis? (Sudan Events ) Interviews Experts and Politicians

The General Council of the National Current: We Welcome Any Efforts to Bring the Sudanese Together to Reach a Unified Vision

Al-Ummah: Addis Meetings Drawn a Roadmap for Dialogue

Political Analyst: Resolving the Sudanese Crisis is related to the Agreement

The political and civil powers are still searching for a way out to resolve the crisis that Sudan has been going through since the Rapid Support RSF Militia rebelled against the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF in April of last year, through holding meetings and external conferences, the most recent of which were the meetings held in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and before that the conference called for by the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Will these moves succeed in defusing the Sudanese crisis? (Sudan Events ) raised this with experts and politicians in the following space.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

The meetings of the political powers in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, which were launched last Wednesday under the auspices of the African Union, concluded on Monday
with the participation of about 20 political blocs and groups, most notably the “Democratic Bloc, Return to the Founding Platform, National Movement Powers , Sudan Alliance for Justice, National Consensus Group, Popular Congress Party (PCP)and some representatives of the Native Administration, while the Coordination of Civil Democratic Powers “Taqddum ” did not participate, and the Sudan Liberation Movement ( SLM)led by Abdel Wahid Nour and the People’s Movement-North led by Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu, the Communist Party, and the Arab Socialist Baath Party.
A unified vision :

Head of the General Council of the National Current, Suleiman Al-Ghauth, renewed their call for Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, and affirmed their welcome for any efforts aimed at bringing the Sudanese together to reach a unified vision that would get the country out of the tunnel and lead to the re-establishment and building of the Sudanese state on foundations that transcend the mistakes of the past.
Al-Ghauth affirmed in an interview to ( Sudan Events ) the importance for external movements to be facilitating and helpful and for the agenda to be primarily 100% national, and said we welcome all efforts and work to support them, and if we are given the opportunity in the forums, we will work to enrich the dialogue to reach the word of the national ranks and unify it and reach understandings that lead to ending the protracted Sudanese crisis.

Details of the statement :

The final statement of the meeting of political powers in Addis Ababa called for the formation of an interim caretaker government without partisan quotas, whose tasks and competencies are consulted, and the statement affirmed its reliance on the success of the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and US in Jeddah forum, and urged the Sudanese government to make more efforts to alleviate the suffering of the IDPs.
The statement stressed that the top priority is to immediately stop the war within the framework of emphasizing the sovereignty of the Sudanese State, and appreciated the role and efforts of the African Union AU and regional and international partners and its organizations, and called on the African Union AU to lift the freeze on Sudan’s membership.
Roadmap :

Head of the political sector of the Umma Party, Fathi Hassan, confirms that the conferences will lead to a Sudanese-Sudanese political dialogue that is not dominated by anyone and is not investigated by anyone except those who have criminal reports filed against them or are wanted by international courts or are facing corruption charges.
Hassan told (Sudan Events ) that the Addis Ababa meetings drew a roadmap for the dialogue by identifying its parties, the topics to be discussed, the place and time of the dialogue, and the importance of the Sudanese dialogue in terms of timing, whether before or after the end of the war, or is it not related to this or that?
He pointed out that the Sudanese dialogue is the correct approach to treating the Sudanese national crisis and the issue of war and restoring the civil path, and noted that the agreement of the people of Sudan strips the militia of any support and it becomes faced with two options: either surrender or destroy it by force of arms, and he stressed that the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue will produce a will to form a civilian government of national competencies without partisan quotas to manage the remainder of the transitional period and avoid the effects of the war and reconstruction.
Supporting the Option :

Earlier this month, the Arab Republic of Egypt hosted the Cairo Conference of Sudanese political and civil forces, in which the participants agreed to support the option of stopping the war, amid objections from leaders of armed movements that stand with the SAF and fight with it, most notably Minni Arko Minawi, the head of the Justice and Equality Movement ( JEM) Jibril Ibrahim, and the head of the Popular Movement-Revolutionary Front (PMRF) Malik Agar, to the wording of the final statement and their refusal to sign it on the pretext that it was satisfied with condemning the violations to which civilians are exposed without explicitly condemning the Rapid Support Forces RSF.
Disappointment :

Political analyst Rashid Al-Tijani points out that there was hope that the political and civil forces would dot the i’s and cross the t’s and make a breakthrough in the Sudanese crisis through the meetings and conferences that were recently held in Cairo and Addis Ababa.
Al-Tijani told (Sudan Events ), but the behavior of the political forces in the process of exclusion disappointed hopes, and pointed out that the political forces are still dominated by the lack of acceptance of the other and each party believes that it is the one that controls and has the decision, and he affirmed that the solution to the Sudanese crisis is linked to the agreement and regretted that the lack of agreement is the prevailing characteristic among the political parties.
Commitment and Development :

The final statement of the Cairo conference condemned “all violations committed in the war,” and spoke about discussing “the need for an immediate cessation of war, including mechanisms, means, and monitoring of a permanent ceasefire and cessation of hostilities.”
The conference participants also stressed the need to adhere to Jeddah Declaration and consider mechanisms for its implementation and development to keep pace with developments in the war.
The conference participants called on and appealed to countries and entities supporting the warring parties with any form of direct or indirect support to stop igniting more fires of war in Sudan.
Political Vision :

The spokesperson for the Democratic Alliance for Social Justice, Mohieddin Ibrahim Juma, affirmed that the political powers that concluded the preparatory meeting for the Sudanese-Sudanese Dialogue Conference in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, presented an unprecedented political vision and ideal roadmap that addressed the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue process in a precise manner to end the war and establish a new, just transitional period.
In turn, the official spokesperson for the Tamazuj Movement, Osman Abdel Rahman, believes that merging initiatives and unifying platforms are two necessary steps to ensure a political process that leads to positive results.
Confirming the Continuation :

In conjunction with the meetings of the external political powers , the SAF affirmed , through the member of the Sovereignty Council TSC ,Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF , Lt. Gen. Yassir Abdel Rahman Hassan Al-Atta, that the war of dignity will continue until the mercenaries of the Rapid Support Forces RSF and all those who assisted them surrender.
Al-Atta appreciated during his visit to the Omdurman Military Area to congratulate the officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Omdurman Military area on the occasion of their promotion
the bravery of the armed forces, regular forces and mobilized forces in various theaters of operations as they inflict losses on the ranks of the terrorist militia of Daglo family ay after day.

Weaving an Alliance :

The leader of the Communist Party, Ali Saeed, rules out that the conferences of the political powers in Cairo and Addis Ababa will succeed in defusing the Sudanese crisis if it means stopping the fighting and starting a settlement, which means to him producing a bigger crisis.
In an interview to Sudan Events , Saeed called on the Sudanese people at home and abroad to form a broad alliance starting from the popular bases that are burned by the fires of injustice and exploitation with or without war, and for party leaders to head and supervise the organization of millions of these masses so that they become an impregnable hand in front of the war machine, as happened in the June 30, 2019 million-man march, so that all the walls and pillars of war fall and the revolution continues its path.
Giving Priority :

To this end, the African Union AU and IGAD urged all Sudanese political and civil parties to give priority to the country’s supreme interests, and affirmed their commitment to supporting stakeholders in Sudan in achieving a negotiated and consensual solution to the crisis and the importance of ending the war in Sudan and restoring normal life.

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