
World Trade Standards Flow on the Table of Specialists

Sudan Events -Nahid Oshi

Al-Faisal Arbitration Center – Sudan organises a workshop on the importance of arbitration and standards and technical measures for the flow of international trade.
The workshop comes under the slogan “World Trade without Discrimination. Director General of the Center, Faisal Hassan Al-Faki, stated that the workshop comes in light of the development of the international community and the increase in international trade, while the workshop aims to shed light on the obstacles that prevent the increase in the flow of goods and services and intellectual property problems (TRIPS) for inventions and innovations in the field of technology and new products and how to address them while encouraging exports from developing countries to developed countries and familiarity with international trade agreements and methods of settling disputes that arise from the failure of a member state to abide by its obligations stipulated in these agreements.
He pointed out in his statement to “Sudan Events ” to the major roles played by the World Trade Organisation (WTO)in settling international trade disputes that arose between some member states.
In addition to the organization’s efforts to implement its policy by focusing on the quality infrastructure (standardization and metrology systems, conformity and accreditation procedures) to represent technical references for resolving disputes.
He said that the workshop, which is being held (online), addresses the provisions of the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (TBT) and full knowledge of the provisions of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) health and safety measures for humans, animals and plants.

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