
The external factor in tailoring and reinforcing RSF’s coup in Sudan (2)

By; Mohammed Ahmed Adam

Unity of means and objectives has created a state of considerable convergence or symmetry in war crimes and crimes against humanity, which Israel continues to commit in broad daylight in Gaza on the one hand, and the same gross war crimes of the UAE in the hands of its ally, the RSF in Sudan.

Therefore, it is naive to view Israel and the UAE’s continued aggression against the Gaza Strip and the Sudan respectively, in isolation from their corresponding richness in natural resources; the abundance of Gaza’s shores with natural gas and likewise, Sudan’s wealth in terms of gold, uranium, oil, fertile lands etc. In both cases, the aggressor deliberately and systemically destroys infrastructures besides other despicable means such indiscriminate bombing and mass killings, to cause what is already targeted; namely forcing helpless civilians to displace and flee for their safety.

The malicious and deliberate intentions of the militia and its regional and international sponsors, cloaked in slogans of democracy and civilian rule, quickly became apparent. Since the coup of April 15, 2023, and its failure to control Sudan within the previously planned and scheduled 72 hours, the world has been confronted with the bitter reality of this militia.

By resorting to Plan B, the militia was seen, and continues to be to this moment, redirecting its heavy artillery fire toward the civilian population; Looting their property and destroying their means of livelihood is a cowardly way to force the government to surrender to the scheme of the Western circles, namely, acquiescence to the framework agreement devoted to reinforce the RSF as a fait accomplis; as a parallel army to the Sudanese Armed Forces, which was the fundamental dilemma that eventually blew up the conflict)

Western circles sought to inflame and exploit the tribal and ethnic complexities in Sudan, which no country is devoid of, exploiting it as a tool for interfering in the country’s internal affairs, compromising its sovereignty, and putting pressure on the government in order to achieve political and economic gains in its favor.

Russian Ambassador to Khartoum, André Chernovo, hit the nail on the head, when he warned against mapping out international intervention schemes, under Chapter VI of the Charter of the United Nations, on the pretext of preventing a humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan. In his article entitled “On confronting Western neo-colonialism”, published on 14th June 2024, the ambassador didn’t need superintelligence, to conclude that Western countries are currently striving to push the situation in Sudan toward the abyss, to further worsen the humanitarian status que, into a state of famine that would eventually forces open, the Sudanese borders, against the very will of the government of Sudan.

After the failure of the colonial powers’ bet on the coup, which they had been preparing for years, they are trying to enter through the gate of human suffering, forgetting that they were the ones who caused it by deliberately ignoring and turning a blind eye to the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the militia in broad daylight, which have reached in their ugliness to the point of burying civilians alive. In a tragedy reminiscent of Madeleine Albright’s historical license and no-objection to the killing of one million Iraqi children for the achievement of US targets in Iraq.

For months the RSF has been targeting production areas across the country and disrupting the agricultural season, in consistence with similar practices of the militia documented by reports by international organizations and credible media outlets such as CNN and OCHA, to name a few, the militia virtually adopted the weapon of systematic starvation in its occupied areas; confiscating citizens’ crops and destroying and burning their fields and harvests.

Even in the safe Sudanese states; the militia continues unabatedly to close roads and looting aid convoys, trucks, goods, and supplies, which eventually led to the cessation of trade and the impossibility of obtaining food. On its part, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs revealed in December 2023, that the RSF militia repeatedly attacked and looted aid supplies and humanitarian infrastructure, especially warehouses, such as the stock in the World Food Program warehouse in Wad Madani, El Fasher and other locations.

In line with the hidden objectives of Western and regional sponsors of this war, the militia has been tasked in the past months to drag Sudan into famine and food shortages, focusing on the systematic destruction and looting of basic infrastructure for large agricultural projects in the Sudan, which necessarily qualified the Sudan as the world’s food basket, such as those of Al-Jazira, Al-Rahad and Sinnar. The systematic war also involved the destruction and theft of thousands of agricultural machinery, preparation tools, seeds, and fertilizers from towns and villages invaded by the militia, besides the displacement of farmers.

It has become clear that what the Western media coverage (Although little compared to the size of the tragedy) about the UAE’s involvement in fueling the war in Sudan is nothing but a smoke screen to serve purely intelligence goals, to mislead domestic public opinion in America and Europe, and distract it from the evil roles played by their governments and intelligence services in planning and orchestrating the current war against Sudan, especially after their shameful positions were exposed before their people regarding Israel’s continuing horrific crimes in Gaza.

The world has witnessed how Western countries, which have always prided themselves on the values of liberalism and democracy, launching a relentless campaign of repression against all the peaceful manifestations of solidarity with Palestine, wiping out once and for all, a reputation Europe has been keen to devote and publicize for decades.

Still, this was just the tip of the iceberg; According to the Guardian, Yona Diamond, an international human rights lawyer, said that during talks earlier this month in Ethiopia – exploring the possibility of taking action against UAE over its role in the fighting in Sudan, he was told by African diplomats that United Kingdom was active in exerting pressure and discourage some countries from condemning the UAE. Such lack of moral compass is reminiscent of the shameful position of the United Kingdom last May 2024, as it tried hard to obstruct and procrastinate as the pen holder, the file of Sudan’s integrated complaint against the UAE in the Security Council.

Upon failing to implement its agenda through the coup of militia and the continued policy of challenging the very legitimacy of the Government of Sudan (desperate insistence on presenting the terrorist militia as a parallel entity to the legitimate Government) Western countries started putting more emphasis on other soft means to achieve their agendas, including booby-trapped calls for Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, however, predicated on the same political tutelage and exclusion, politicization of the justice system, including the judiciary, the prosecution, and the constitutional court, to name a few, which triggered the crisis in the first place. Besides, continue seeking to coerce the government of Sudan to accept a ceasefire (a truce), without necessarily adhering to the basic reference, namely the decisions of the Jeddah Peace Conference in May 2023.

A truce whose hidden purpose has been proven time and again is to enable the militia to bring in more military support through neighboring countries and to organize and restore its ranks, especially after the series of painful defeats it has suffered in the recent period.

By refraining from exercising its influence to compel the militia to abide by the Jeddah Agreement, those who pour crocodile tears on the humanitarian situation in the Sudan are in a Machiavellian solidarity with the militia’s ongoing crimes aimed at deliberate starvation of the Sudanese people, as has be elucidated. The Jeddah Agreement in its essence, is a declaration of commitment to protect civilians in Sudan and compliance with their obligations under international humanitarian law. ‘

The fact remains; Sudanese people’s lining up behind their national army stems from an embedded awareness that the losses and cost of continuing the “battle of Dignity’’ to its end were much lower, than those resulting from the cessation of the war by legitimizing the continuation of the militia coup and consenting to the grim reality of the RSF, as a political partner in the future.

In fact, one of the biggest blessings of The “Battle of Dignity,” is that it has unified united Large sections of the Sudanese people in a manner unprecedented in recent history, lining up behind their armed forces, countering this aggression and foreign invasion. Eventually, hostile attitudes, whether international or regional, will only increase its confidence and determination to achieve victory, preserve the unity, autonomy, and independence of Sudan, and confront all new colonial machinations, to pillage its resources and capabilities.

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