
Dollar Grant to Revive Agricultural Production in Sudan

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD)in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in the Republic of Sudan, signed an agreement with the Halfa Agricultural Foundation to implement the Early Recovery and Rehabilitation of Agricultural Production Project and support the Halfa Agricultural Foundation within the framework of the Sudan Initiative for Food Security, to address some of the main obstacles related to impeding the improvement of soil and water management such as deep plowing and leveling, and adopting and using modern agricultural mechanization technology for farmers.
The Early Recovery and Rehabilitation of Agricultural Production Project aims to achieve food security in Sudan primarily to improve the livelihoods of small farmers in a sustainable manner, by achieving the goals related to sustainable increases in agricultural productivity and income; and developing the capabilities of agricultural engineers, irrigation specialists and farmers to participate in improved agricultural practices, as well as a qualitative change in the pattern of field management with the involvement and greater contribution of farmers in production by organizing them in larger area units that allow the use of full agricultural mechanization and to overcome the shortage of labor and reduce costs.
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD)has committed to implementing this program by providing a grant of about $ 50,000 to help farmers obtain various services necessary for the production process and provide the necessary training and technical and institutional assistance in cooperation with the Halfa Agricultural Foundation management.
While the Halfa Agricultural Foundation has committed to surveying and selecting farmers who are proactive, willing and compatible with the specified number to make the experiment a success by working together and signing an agreement with them that specifies the obligations of each party to build economically efficient, flexible and resilient agricultural systems, and to enlighten the selected groups of farmers about the program’s objectives and methodology based on the partnership between the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD)the Foundation and the farmers, then to gather 20-30 farmers on a full number of no less than 100 acres as a single production unit that allows for the introduction of agricultural mechanization, diversification and economic crop intensification, and the Agricultural Engineering Department carries out land preparation operations and agricultural operations recommended by the support provided and supervises the management, monitoring and follow-up of various agricultural operations including irrigation water. Listing and evaluating the agricultural service companies in Halfa to provide agricultural operations services, their capabilities and prices for the purpose of contracting with them through tenders to provide seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.
Halfa Agricultural confirmed its full commitment to follow up on monitoring and evaluating the technical, economic and social performance indicators of the project by the technical and advisory cadres mentioned in the project document and preparing quarterly and annual progress reports.
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD)transferred the first installment of the total grant amount to the Halfa Agricultural Foundation, and the number of 21 beneficiary farmers was identified with an area of ​​105 acres.

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