
Minister of Justice: We are Committed to achieving Justice and not escaping Impunity

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Minister of Justice Mawlana Muawia Osman said that the government is committed to achieving justice and not escaping impunity, and affirmed that the state seeks and takes the necessary measures and procedures on the widest scale.
The Minister of Justice revealed in a press statement at the Ministry of Culture and Information platform, Thursday, that the UN expert on the human rights situation in Sudan focused on issues of protecting civilians during his recent visit to the country, affirming the Sudanese government’s commitment to Geneva Convention and all agreements it has signed, addition to the armed forces’ commitment to the rules of engagement in accordance with international humanitarian law.
Regarding the expert’s observations regarding Sudan’s obligations to facilitate procedures for the arrival of humanitarian aid, the Minister of Justice affirmed that the government has fulfilled all requirements related to facilitating procedures and there are no obstacles preventing the issuance of procedures, indicating that it is the international community that has not fulfilled its obligations and pledges at Paris Conference.
Regarding the concerns raised by expert Radwan Nouicer regarding arbitrary detention and civil liberties, he confirmed that there were no arrests or restrictions on freedoms, noting that he had been asked to provide a list indicating the presence of detainees.

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