
Following the call between Al-Burhan and Bin Zayed .. The Sudanese crisis.. Expected changes in the scene

Sudan Events: Abdel Basset Idris

We may witness many changes in the war currently taking place in Sudan against the backdrop of a phone call that took place on Thursday between the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC,Lt. Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the President of the UAE, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed.
The phone call between Al-Burhan and Mohamed bin Zayed is the first communication between the leadership of the two countries since the outbreak of the war on April 15 of last year. The rift between the two countries is due to the UAE’s support and backing of the Rapid Support RSF Militia in the war.. So how was this step completed?
Details of what happened:
The Sudanese Sovereignty Council TSC said in a press release that the President of the Council, Commander-in-Chief of the SAF, Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, received a phone call from the President of the UAE, Mohamed bin Zayed, and through the call, Mohamed bin Zayed explained their desire to help stop the war taking place in Sudan.
The President of the Sovereignty Council informed him that the UAE is accused by the Sudanese, and there is much evidence and proof proving the UAE’s support for the rebels, and its support for those who kill the Sudanese, destroy their country and displace them, and the UAE must stop that.
In return, the Emirates News Agency said that the President of the State, Mohamed Bin Zayed, received a phone call from Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council TSC in the sisterly Republic of Sudan.
The agency explained that Bin Zayed discussed with Al-Burhan during the call the relations between the two brotherly countries and their peoples, addition to developments in the situation in the Sudanese arena and ways to support Sudan to get out of the crisis it is going through.
In this context, Bin Zayed affirmed the UAE’s keenness to support all solutions and initiatives aimed at stopping the escalation and ending the crisis in brotherly Sudan in a way that contributes to enhancing its stability and security and achieving the aspirations of its people for development and prosperity.
He affirmed the need to give priority to the voice of wisdom and peaceful dialogue, uphold Sudan’s supreme interests and preserve its security and stability.
He also expressed the UAE’s commitment to continue its support for humanitarian efforts to alleviate the suffering of the brotherly Sudanese people.
Behind the call:

Journalist Dr. Muzamil Abu Al-Qasim revealed the details of the phone call between Al-Burhan and Bin Zayed, explaining that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had visited Sudan for two issues, the first related to bilateral relations and the second an initiative to resolve the dispute between Sudan and the Emirates.
Abu Al-Qasim added that Abiy Ahmed, before arriving in Port Sudan, requested to meet with Al-Burhan in a private meeting, noting that after receiving Abiy Ahmed and Al-Burhan driving a car carrying them together, Abiy Ahmed conveyed the desire of the UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed to speak directly to Al-Burhan, and indicated that Al-Burhan agreed with several conditions, the most prominent of which is that the Emirates stop supporting Hemeti’s militia.
Smart timing:

The call comes at a pivotal time after relations between Khartoum and Abu Dhabi reached zero, and it seems that Al-Burhan deliberately chose an appropriate time to make this call, which coincided with the eighteenth day of the current month of July, which is a historic day for the UAE, as the year 1971 witnessed the signing of the “Union” document by the founder of the state, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the rulers, which adopted the constitution and name of the country.
The Emirates News Agency reported that the President of the State, Mohamed bin Zayed, directed that this day of every year be the UAE’s holiday, and thus Al-Burhan wants the call to coincide with the day to indicate how Sudan has constituted an important station in the path of development, progress and prosperity of the UAE through solid fraternal and diplomatic relations, the solid foundation of which was laid by Zayed the Father and the late President Jaafar Nimeiri, before it was blown away by the winds of politics and reckless unilateral choices that produced a troubled Sudanese reality, due to the proven Emirati support through all international and media reports for the rebel militia of Hemeti, who is waging an unprecedented war on the Sudanese State.
On behalf of others.
Resolving Disagreements:

From another perspective, it seems that Burhan has relied on the advice of Russia, which expressed its desire to mediate between Port Sudan and Abu Dhabi to resolve the differences between them as a basic step to end the war by talking to the main supporters of Hemeti’s militia.
From another perspective, Burhan’s step does not seem far from the nature of the work of intelligence, which usually operates in what security experts describe as “moving in the gray area” when military and diplomatic steps fall short in pushing the dynamics of events away from strategic goals, which here means not allowing the situation to get out of control or trying to return the situation to its compass in a way that does not compromise the strategy of winning the war, which means that Burhan spoke with Bin Zayed from a logic of strength and solid ground without neglecting clear and realistic facts.
By carrying out a precise operation to harvest the field, the Sudanese army SAF ,supported by its people, was able to thwart a regional and international conspiracy by aborting Hemeti’s coup attempt, which had all the factors for success and the complete annihilation of the army, and the dreams of his supporters evaporated after they became certain that the plan to seize the country had become In vain, but at the same time he looks to transform the battle that was decided in favor of the army in its first month into an alternative plan through a proxy war, mobilizing mercenaries and the heavy losses suffered by the country.
The next step:

Political analyst Montaser Abdel Jalil tells (Sudan Events ) that the exchange of conversation between the two leaders is a natural result of settling the differences between the two countries, and Abdel Jalil believes that the next step will be in favor of restoring relations completely through summit meetings and bilateral ministerial discussions, and he does not rule out that this step was preceded by steps, but he believes in any case that it would not have happened had Burhan not received confirmed pledges towards the Emirates to stop its diplomatic and military support for the Rapid Support Forces RSF and its leaders.
Expected Results:

In contrast, retired military expert Maj.Gen. Mohamed Ibrahim told Sudan Events hat the contact between Lt.Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed will have a major impact on the military and political arenas.
He considered the move to be a military and diplomatic victory that should not be underestimated. Ibrahim believes that Sudan has forced the UAE to stop supporting the rebellion, expecting that this will quickly lead to a ceasefire, ending the duality of the armed forces, reaching an agreement on humanitarian issues, the exit of mercenaries from Sudan, and the return of the displaced to their cities and homes.

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