
Islamists.. No deals

Amin Hassan Omar

The reconciliation we want for our country is not a settlement with the Islamists. A settlement is a sharing of interests between one party and another.
Islamists do not make deals or settlements, nor do they need them. Islamists do not want an interest for themselves, but rather they want reconciliation among all the sons of the nation with each other, and they do not enter into bargains or settlements. They want Sudan’s sons to agree to emerge from its abyss, which people all know who dug deep into the soil of failure, dependency, and the marks of national sovereignty in international slave markets.
Islamists want to break the monopoly of the ideological minority that does not care about people’s livelihood, health, or children’s education, and more than that, they do not care about their religion or traditions, which are a source of pride for them, as much as they care about implementing the slogans of gender and sexuality that are free from all restrictions of values ​​and social liberalism that are hostile to the institutions of the family and society and its values, ideals, and virtuous morals.
The ideological minority does this to gain the approval of those they see as role models and examples of progress, civilization, and human liberation.
Islamists do not want to make a deal to return to power, as they have sworn to themselves that they will not return except carried on the shoulders of the people through free and fair elections that no one doubts or has any suspicions about.
Because what matters to them more than regaining power is regaining the people’s trust and their honest and intimate communication with them. Islamists do not want a deal in which someone who has committed an injustice or a sin will be pardoned by a powerful ruler who will save him from punishment, because the one who fears the consequences of Allah does not fear punishment from people.
Rather, they will not accept injustice, nor will they acknowledge it, nor will they submit to it, because accepting injustice and oppression in their religion is forbidden and will send its perpetrator to Hell.
They are not among those who apologize by saying, “We were oppressed on earth.” They do not want pardon, but rather they want justice and its color will be clear,Allah willing, because no right is lost when there is a keen claimant behind it. They will seek their right by every legitimate means, and they will not be stopped by intimidation or threats, as they recite, “Do you fear them? But Allah is more deserving that you fear Him.”
Islamists will not beg for their civil and political rights from anyone until they take them in peace, because the right is taken in peace, not in peace. They will complete all the legal and constitutional stages to obtain their civil and political rights, so that if they despair of all that, they will be saved and then the oppressors will be known.
On that day, to what end will they turn? The Islamists want a respected, agreed-upon constitution to be respected, a just, effective law to prevail, and an honest, effective government to be installed.
They want peace and reconciliation to prevail among the people of one nation, for racist voices to be silenced or not, and for illusions, apprehensions and suspicion to be dispelled, and for solidarity, mutual support and free, honest competition to take their place. The Islamists want every citizen, regardless of his skin color or political choice, to be free under the umbrella of values, morals and the constitution. They want the nation to be free, and for the son of a free woman to not have money and wealth, nor for a country with prestige and awe to have a hand on it that he turns a blind eye to when he is angry. Our country is not a country of those who turn a blind eye and bow, but rather our country is a country of those who walk proudly like a sheep. This is what we want and what we want for our country, so let those who do not know it, those we love and those we do not love, know this, and God is before that a watcher and a witness.

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