
WFP: Rains Disrupt Supplies to Darfur

Sudan Events – Agencies

A World Food Program official said that heavy rains have caused the closure of a main supply route leading to Darfur, while a UN official reported that the IDPs have been forced to eat grass.
According to Reuters, the director of the World Food Program WFP office in Sudan, Eddie Roy, said that thousands of tons of aid are still stuck at the Tina border crossing with Chad, affirming that talks are underway with the Sudanese government to open the Adre crossing as an alternative, which could be suitable in all weather conditions.
The director of the World Food Program WFP office in Sudan said from Port Sudan, “You have these big rivers.
As I speak now, our convoy, which is supposed to transport more than two thousand metric tons, is stuck.” Regarding the status of the humanitarian talks that resumed this week, Roy said, “It’s 50 to 50.”
In a separate interview, Mona Rishmawi, a member of the UN fact-finding mission in Sudan, confirmed that she had met refugees from Darfur in Chad, who told her stories of fleeing without water and eating grass along the way.

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