
WFP Expresses Concern over Escalating Fighting in Sennar

Sudan Events – Agencies

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has expressed deep concern over the escalation of fighting in Sennar State, where violence has displaced more than 136,000 people from their homes since the outbreak of fighting in late June, many of whom have been displaced for the second or third time since the beginning of the conflict.
UN Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq said in a press conference on Friday that the World Food Program WFP has so far provided assistance to about 46,000 people who fled to Damazin and Blue Nile, and 3,000 people who were displaced to Kassala and Gedarif.
He warned that the impact of this escalation goes far beyond displacement, as it has severely affected WFP operations across the region, including White Nile, Blue Nile, Kassala and Gedarif.
He stated that the fighting in Sennar has cut off the main supply routes for food and fuel to the state, preventing residents from accessing basic needs.
Haq noted that the WFP hub in Kosti is completely isolated, and the road from Port Sudan to Kassala, which passes through Sennar, is currently impassable.
He explained that this road is a lifeline for delivering aid to hundreds of thousands of people in Sudan, including many communities at risk of famine in Kordofan and Darfur.
Haq also reported that aid reaching Darfur from Chad has stopped, noting that the Adre border crossing remains closed, while the Tina crossing cannot be used due to heavy rains and flooding, which means that many areas will be cut off from aid.
He renewed WFP’s call for the opening of all possible humanitarian paths so that humanitarian agencies can reach all those in need.

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