
Observatory: Killing of a field Commander of the Militia and the Destruction of a weapons Store in Gezira

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

An observatory in Gezira state announced the killing of the field commander of the Rapid Support RSF Militia in Umm Al-Qura locality, Osman Yahya, as a result of an air strike carried out by the Air Force, addition to the destruction of a weapons store belonging to these forces in the buildings of the Security Service.
Umm Al-Qura platform explained that the air strikes carried out by the armed forces SAF in Umm Al-Qura area, east of Gezira state, resulted in the killing of the field commander of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, Osman Yahya, and the destruction of the weapons store in the building of the Security Service in the locality.
Umm Al-Qura platform, which monitors violations in Gezira state, said that the air strike carried out by the warplanes destroyed the weapons store in one of the residential areas in the area.

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