
Washington Launches an initiative to end the war in Sudan.. How successful is the American step?.. (Sudan Events ) interviews experts and politicians

PCP : The initiative may achieve some positive breakthrough without excessive optimism

Al-Shu’i: The initiative is not new and aims to settle the political situation after the war
Director of the Capital Center for Political and Strategic Studies: We expect Washington to offer temptations to Sudan in order not to enter into an alliance with Russia

Expert in international Relations: The American initiative is a turning point in its position towards the Sudanese crisis

Developments in Sudan are proceeding at an accelerating pace day after day, particularly with regard to the following external movements to defuse the country’s crisis.
After the visit of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, a number of events emerged, most notably the call that brought together the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC , Commander of the Army, Lt. Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the President of the United Arab Emirates
(UAE)Mohammed bin Zayed. This step was followed by the United States of America USA ‘s move to launch an initiative to end the war in the country. So how successful is Washington’s new step? Can a breakthrough occur in the Sudanese crisis? (Sudan Events ) interviewed experts and politicians and came out with the following conclusion.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

Step details :

According to the American magazine, Foreign Policy, the US administration intends to launch a new initiative to end the war in Sudan through peace talks that will start in mid-August, after months of behind-the-scenes negotiations, according to five current and former officials familiar with the matter.
The magazine said that Switzerland and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will host the high-level talks, and the upcoming talks will be chaired, if the parties agree, by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas.

Preparation of Arrangements :

Communist Party leader Kamal Karar said that the US initiative is not new, but rather that the appointment of a special envoy to Sudan, America’s involvement in Jeddah Forum, and the many meetings that took place over the past months in regional capitals were a prelude to the arrangements for the Switzerland meeting that was announced.
Karar added to Sudan Events : “Given the situation, moving towards negotiations is inevitable, and the regional allies of the two parties are also subject to the American decision.”
He pointed out that the initiative does not only aim to stop the war, but also aims to settle the post-war political situation, to ensure the survival of America’s interests and those of its allies in Sudan. Accordingly, if US succeeds in establishing a ceasefire, the issues of political conflict will remain present, and the living forces of the revolution will not surrender to any anti-revolutionary authority that will be installed by external forces.

Congress briefed :

Foreign Policy magazine revealed that other regional powers and institutions with interests in the conflict will be invited, including the United Nations, the African Union, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates UAE to monitor the talks.
The US Special Envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, is scheduled to brief Congress this week on the negotiations plans, as Perriello will participate in convincing senior negotiators from both sides of the conflict to attend the talks.

Reaction :

On the other hand, Sudan has officially headed eastward in recent days towards Russia and its international allies in the region, particularly Tehran, after Burhan received the credentials of the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Sudan, Hassan Shah Hosseini, as Ambassador and Plenipotentiary Extraordinary of his country to Sudan, after 8 years of estrangement. Then came the step of the Western axis led by the United States of America USA and its allies in the region as a reaction to this diplomatic exchange between Khartoum and Tehran.
According to the Director of the Capital Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Dr. Hassan Shaib Danqas, who confirmed that the US move at this time to end the war in the country does not go beyond being a conflict of axes towards the country, said that USA sensed the danger of not ending the war in Sudan after the Russian bear entered the conflict arena with force, but US will face a problem: Will there be a response to the initiative in the required manner,papart from Jeddah platform, in light of the statements of the member of the Sovereignty Council TSC Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the SAF , Lt. Gen. Yassir Al-Atta, that there will be no negotiations with the militia. This means that the government has several options to end the war, as the Sudanese government’s lack of confidence in US has become great, so it is expected that Washington will provide advantages and temptations in cooperation with its allies in the region (the Gulf States) to the Sudanese side, politically, economically and militarily, in order to avoid entering into an alliance with Russia.
“The Sudanese strategic mind must necessarily be present and the government must drop any international agreements and treaties on the elements of the comprehensive state forces to secure the present and the future,” Danqas added to Sudan Events .

Positive Breakthrough :

In turn, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Congress, Dr. Mohamed Badr El-Din, indicated that the US administration is facing pressure from public opinion and Congress for its failure to solve the Sudanese problem, particularly after the escalation of violations against civilians and the humanitarian crisis, which will have a negative impact on the current administration in the upcoming elections at the end of this year.
Badr El-Din told Sudan Events hat the changes in the Sudanese government’s foreign policy and the growing relations with Russia and Iran are a great incentive for the United States US and its allies in the region to push and strive to achieve a solution to the Sudanese crisis in line with their interests in Sudan and so that rapprochement with the other camp does not cause any harm to those interests.
He added: “This is what prompts us to say that this initiative may make some positive breakthrough in resolving the crisis without excessive optimism.”

Surprise Visit :

This month, the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander of the SAF , Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, unexpectedly received Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on a visit that is the first by the Ethiopian Prime Minister to Sudan since the outbreak of the war.
Abiy Ahmed’s office described the visit in a statement as part of efforts to find “sustainable solutions for Sudan’s stability.”
Turning Point :

Expert of Political Science and International Relations Dr. Rashid Al-Tijani considered the move a turning point in the American position on the war in Sudan.
He said that Washington did not intervene seriously in the Sudanese crisis during the past period, and its intervention was merely statements, and that its envoy to Sudan did not present any initiatives and was revolving around the problem without proposing solutions.
He explained that America’s push for its Secretary of State to lead the initiative indicates its seriousness.
Regarding the ability of the United States of America USA to make a breakthrough in the Sudanese crisis with its new initiative, Al-Tijani told (Sudan Events ) that US can solve the problem because of its ability to pressure to stop the war, particularly since it is moving towards dialogue with the supporters of the rebellion more than the rebels, which contributes to the solution more.
He affirmed that US has the keys to influencing the actors in the war, and pointed out that the American move is also one of the reasons for Sudan’s orientation towards Russia, which the United States of America USA rejects.
He said that Sudan must be balanced and not lean towards one party over the other, while taking its interests into account primarily.
Contact and accusation :

A few days ago, after the visit of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to Sudan, President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander of the SAF , Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, received a phone call from the President of the UAE, Mohamed bin Zayed, during which he confirmed their desire to help stop the war in Sudan, according to a statement by the Sovereignty Council TSC.
The statement indicated that Al-Burhan informed bin Zayed that “the UAE is accused by the Sudanese with much evidence and proof of supporting the rebels, and supporting those who kill the Sudanese, destroy their country and displace them, and that the UAE must stop doing so.”

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