
Acute Diarrhea Detected in Bahri

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Khartoum Bahri Emergency Chamber revealed the emergence of acute diarrhea cases that caused one death during the past 72 hours.
A member of Bahri Emergency Chamber said, according to “Sudan Tribune”, that the number of acute diarrhea cases reached 11 cases in Al-Shaabiya neighborhood and one death in the Shambat suburb north of Khartoum Bahri during the past 72 hours.
The member of the chamber affirmed that these cases arrived at a health center, while they are being counted amid expectations that the cases are more than the numbers available so far.
He added that the symptoms include the patient suffering from acute diarrhea that appears suddenly, accompanied by a slight fever, severe drop and dehydration in the body, and indicated that the results of laboratory tests are similar to dysentery, and that the symptoms are the same as those of cholera.

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