
Following the Stop of most Restaurants and “Takaya” in Khartoum.. The Tragedy has another face

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

Among the folds of the reality on the ground in Karrery and Thawrat areas continued to jump from time to time, the problems and repercussions of the war to form a reality for it. Its great influence under the shadows of the guns, the hum of aircraft, and the sounds of the cannons that do not stop day and night.
A difficult reality on the ground, there is a difficult and tragic reality experienced by citizens. Schools in many areas have become shelters and housing for IDPs from other areas, and many homes that have become vacant, with their owners going out to the safe states, and to neighboring countries have turned into housing and shelters for the displaced.
In fact, some of the unfinished buildings have also turned into housing and have become a home for families that have fled the hell of the militia in Banat, Al-Mawrada, Wadnobawi, Al-Omda, Al-Abbasiya, Umbada, Al-Fatihab, Bahri and Khartoum.
Citizens, it is difficult to find homes that did not host numbers of the displaced Khartoum, including relatives and families who were displaced from the rest of the capital, and with diminished job opportunities and their scarcity, the failure of state workers to pay their salaries and the continuous military operations that have not yet been cut off.
About the area, through Danat, which falls on the heads of the citizens, and the deaths and injuries are dropped, and through bullets, whose source or causes are not known, and it is daily bullets, and through the sounds of cannons and the buzz of warplanes, which thousands of residents are currently living in very complex conditions due to the high rise that .
The prices of the neighborhoods, and the kitchens and “takaya” of the neighborhoods, which provided thousands of families, stopped their hunger and filled their children’s food, even those who had some money, most of them are out of their ability to confront them, after they increased by up to 100 percent in some commodities.
And (50%) in other commodities, which doubled the expenditures on families and those who run the food houses who announced their cessation of work due to poor and lack of funding, in addition to the high prices, which makes thousands of families in Khartoum face the danger of hunger, because the majority in Khartoum do not.
Literally, she has to fill her heart if the food houses and the hospices stop. Scarcity of funding says Khaled Al-Faki, an official of one of the takayas, “It hurts, but we must face reality. We are no longer able to work in light of the high cost and scarcity of financing. And the good ones, but it is now complicated and we no longer have options. We have exhausted the solutions within a year and a half.”
He added, “We are working now once a week or twice, whenever we can save money to buy beans or lentils, but these families with their children are unbearable. to the food, and that’s what makes us sad.
Thousands of families crawl, and thousands of families crawl daily from the early morning to the places where the beans and lentils are located to get a share of food, and the matter here does not depend only on the displaced from the Khartoum areas, but even the residents of the neighborhoods who do not find anything to fill them. Mohamed Al-Awad, who works as an accountant at an ATM in the Arab market, says, “Our business has stopped, and we only have what we receive from the transfer through your bank application, and it is hardly enough to buy bread because the small piece of bread has a price between 120-160 pounds, and a kilo of sugar is three thousand.” One pound and a kilo of lentils reached SDGs 4.000 , things are getting more complicated, and there are those who cannot find any money to find an amount to buy a piece of bread, they get beans and lentils and eat them with spoons because they do not have bread or flour, people here stop Takaya and food kitchens will face a tragic reality.”
A real disaster, and restaurants in many areas of the capital announced, during the past few days, that it had stopped working, due to the scarcity of funding, which portends a real catastrophe, not only in the Omdurman region, but even in other areas where the residents now find it very difficult to get food. Abdullah Ajab, the owner of a grocery store in the revolution, says that, as retailers, they are trying to deal with very difficult things.
He justifies that prices vary daily, adding, “There is no control, so anyone can put the price they desire and impose it on citizens.
It is true that citizens also do not have money, but this is what is happening.” This is what Al-Wathiq Pro sees as a lawyer, saying that all this war revolved around the citizen who formed its center and its victim.
Whoever was not killed by Danat and bullets, he will die of starvation.
The food will come, and he added, “As you can see, we hear about relief that we have not seen, and it was surprising that these people sit down to talk about the opening of roads to enter the relief. We are here in Omdurman. The roads are open. It’s all a lie that they spread like many lies that we are full of throughout our stay in this country,” and he continued, ”
There are moves from the governor, as I learned, to contain the prices of a loaf of bread. Who has some money, what about the thousands who do not have money and rely entirely on takayas and food cuisines that have stopped .. How about them?

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