
Minister of Agriculture: There is no food problem in Sudan

Sudan Events-Rehab Abdullah

Minister of Agriculture Abu Bakr Al-Bushra said that there is no problem with food in Sudan, affirming that the problem is to deliver food to citizens in the rebel-controlled militia areas.
And he announced at a press conference at Coral Hotel in Port Sudan that his ministry plans to cultivate 35 million feddans in the next summer season, and confirmed the completion of preparations for the agricultural season by providing 12,000 tons of seeds provided by FAO, addition to some other parties, addition to the delivery of fuel to the states, affirming the citizens’ keenness to continue agriculture despite the war.
He reviewed the agricultural situation in Sudan, through reports on the survey related to the production position of FAO and the United Nations Development Programm UNDP .
He explained that the report affirmed that Sudan’s corn production amounted to 3.3 million tons, and that the actual needs of corn for corn amounted to 3.9 million tons, although the survey did not include the states of Darfur, affirming that the deficit will be covered by the strategic stock.
He said that 17 million acres of corn were cultivated last year, indicating that the government had agreed to deliver aid to the needy and open the crossings to enter the relief, and refuted the reports that talked about 775,000 citizens exposed to a famine.
The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry revealed the cultivation of corn and millet in the northern state and the Nile for the first time, and said that the necessary precautions and measures related to providing seeds and increasing the cultivated area were put in place, and confirmed that the cultivated area increased to 23,000 acres in the Blue Nile ,Sennar, Gedarif , Kassala and the White Nile, affirmed the importance of developing, conserving and storing fruit processing.

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