
The First Enemy (1-3)..

Rashan Oshi

Fate seems to be against Sudan, while it struggles with a violent aggression in the midst of an unprecedented political storm, the claws of its disobedient sons reach out to devour what remains of health in its exhausted body.
I believe that the correct name for Sudan is “the land of opportunities”, every opportunist who aspires to amass a great fortune, has found his way during these lean days.
Sudan is engaged in an open confrontation on multiple fronts, as the seeds of war were planted and nurtured years ago, and what happened on April 15 is only the continuation of a long journey that made the holocaust unavoidable.
Responsibility will remain hanging on the necks of its owners, there are enough sins committed against this people; and there is nothing that exempts anyone from the task of getting out of this tragedy.
The economic collapse is a result of the deterioration of the value of the national currency that we are experiencing these days. Its causes are multiple, but the most important and prominent are three issues:
First: Before the war, the Central Bank of Sudan ( CBS) contracted with the Emirati company “Currencies” to print the Sudanese pound, and the company received the “clichés” and drawings, and indeed a huge amount was printed.
When the Bank of Sudan (CBS) demanded that the money be handed over, procrastination began.
The company was contacted several times via official email and the response was negative. After that, the state leadership learned that Sheikh “Mansour bin Zayed”, Head of the Board of Directors of the UAE Central Bank (CBS) , to which the “Currencies” company belongs, had directed that the shipment not be sent to the Sudanese government.
The Bank of Sudan did not recover from the shock of the detention of its stock of national currency in the Emirates, addition to the looting of the Sudan Printing Press Company (currency minting) by the Rapid Support RSF Militia, which forced the Ministry of Finance to borrow from the Central Bank (CBS) to pay the salaries of the regular forces and the civil service, particularly after the suspension of about (85%) of revenues.
Second: The other issue is related to a group of businessmen (we will return to them in detail), who took advantage of the financial distress that the country is going through, and monopolized the import of some strategic goods, including fuel, and amassed huge fortunes.
“Gasoline” and “diesel” ships docked at the berths of Port Sudan port so that their owner could collect their value from the black market, it does not matter if the pound collapsed or its value reached 10,000 to the dollar, it does not matter, because the citizen will buy fuel at the value of the dollar at that time.
This mafia has continued to control the fuel commodity, and its crocodiles are trying to swallow every public employee who stands up to their crimes, they have money, and a close relationship with the authorities.
The Bank of Sudan has repeatedly demanded the regulation of this sector, so that suppliers stop importing by buying foreign currency from the black market, but the Ministry of Finance insisted on liberalization.
A businessman was so impudent that he threatened a public employee who refused to grant him a loan from a bank because he did not pay a previous loan, incited the press against him and spent huge sums of money on social media clowns to assassinate his character.
All these crimes are paid for by the displaced and refugee people from their daily bread and future.
After fierce battles, the Central Bank of Sudan (CBS) succeeded in setting policies that limit the expansion of this mafia, and dismantle its control over fuel and control of the exchange rate, by creating a joint portfolio for strategic goods between it and the Bank of Khartoum worth (one billion) dollars, thus closing the door on the greed of importers.
The new policies of the Central Bank are like “closing the valve” in front of this mafia, and the most affected by it are the fuel import monopolists because they cause the collapse of the national currency against foreign currency, and at the same time they reap huge profits from selling fuel at high prices, while the citizen loses twice, with the rise in commodity prices due to the deterioration of the pound and the rise in fuel prices at abnormal rates due to the greed of importers
The strategic goods portfolio will provide dollars to import fuel at its real price, which will achieve double benefits by stabilizing the exchange rate of the pound and setting real fuel prices.
The Central Bank (CBS )has been fighting to resolve this economic chaos, until its efforts were crowned with relative success, related to the decision to establish the portfolio.
Reserving a leading seat in the public service is one thing, and reserving a prominent seat in history is another.
History is an eraser that only those who leave indelible fingerprints can resist, so that history writes him as a leader, not a public employee whose attractiveness ages if he loses his office and seals.
Third: The role of the Customs Authority in destroying the national economy. We will return to it in detail in the next article.
My love and respect

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