
The Southern Port Supports the State Treasury with Large Amounts of Foreign Currency

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The committee formed by Director General of the Southern Port to inventory the lost invoices due to the virus that affected the computer systems in March 2022 is close to completing the work assigned to it.
The committee said that the amounts that were identified are large amounts of foreign currency that will contribute to supplying the Authority’s treasury with hard currencies in these circumstances that the country is going through.
On the other hand, a committee was formed to review the incentive incentive for the container terminal at the port within the framework of administrative organization and achieving job satisfaction for workers, and the committee completed its study in a manner that is commensurate with the size of the effort exerted by the workers, taking into account inflation and its economic variables in its study, and submitted its recommendations to the Director General of the Administration in preparation for completing the procedures with the relevant authorities.

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