Modifying Financing Ceilings for the Microfinance Sector

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Central Bank of Sudan CBS has set the microfinance ceiling at SDGs 4 million and is granted to individuals or groups and to finance a project or activity.
It also set the microfinance ceiling for productive sectors at SDGs2 million and for the service sector, trade and productive families at SDGs1 million .
The Central Bank issued a circular on Monday canceling the circular of the General Administration for Regulating and Developing the Banking System regarding amending the microfinance ceiling issued on April 2022, provided that all circulars and circulars that were canceled by it remain canceled.
The issuance of the microfinance ceiling circular, which was circulated to banks, institutions and microfinance companies, comes within the framework of the Central Bank’s efforts to support productive sectors, including the microfinance sector, and to follow up and periodically review controls.