
Armed movements: Returning to pre-war is Impossible

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

(8) armed struggle movements fighting alongside the army have taken the initiative to reject the results of any negotiations that do not guarantee their participation in its details.
The movements explained, in a joint statement on Tuesday, that “any initiative to end the war or cease fire, that aims to impose a fait accompli that the war has only two parties, to structure the peaceful and political process on this basis, will be completely rejected and its results cannot be accepted.”
They affirmed that any initiative or efforts to address the crisis in Sudan “must take into account the new reality that the war has produced, and not forget that returning to what was before the April 15 war is impossible.”
They added: “The blood that has been shed, the deliberate impoverishment operations, and the crimes that violate human dignity, are all sufficient reasons to prevent a return to the failed experiences that accompanied the state’s path, which requires deterring them so that these tragedies are not repeated in the future.”
She pointed out that any ceasefire efforts should take into account all fighting fronts, to ensure the success of the cessation of hostilities and ceasefire agreements.
The statement was issued by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement ( SPLM)- Revolutionary Front led by Malik Agar, the Sudan Liberation Movement ( SLM)led by Minni Arko Minawi, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) headed by Jibril Ibrahim, addition to the movements of the Sudan Liberation Forces Gathering, the Sudan Liberation – Transitional Council, the Sudan Liberation – Leadership Council, the Sudanese Alliance, and the Sudan Liberation led by Mustafa Tambour.
The movements stressed in the joint statement that any negotiation process that ends with the return of the Rapid Support Forces RSF to political life or its previous status will not achieve peace and stability, and will be rejected by them and the Sudanese people.
They called on the international community to condemn the crimes of the Rapid Support Forces RSF and oblige them and the countries supporting them to immediately stop targeting innocent and defenseless people and force them to stop the indiscriminate long-range artillery shelling of El Fasher and the camps for the displaced there.
They said that preventing the arrival of humanitarian aid, food and vital needs has become a weapon used by the Rapid Support Forces RSF which requires that any serious negotiations be based on the outcomes of Jeddah.

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