
FM: Any Negotiations before Implementing Jeddah Declaration will not be accepted by the People

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Foreign Ministry said that the Sudanese government responded to the US government regarding the call to hold negotiations in Geneva to reach a ceasefire in the country.
The government explained in its response that any negotiations before implementing Jeddah Declaration, which stipulates a comprehensive withdrawal and halt to expansion, will not be acceptable to the Sudanese people who are subjected to displacement, killing, rape, ethnic cleansing and looting of their property.
The Sudanese government drew attention to the fact that one party attacks cities, villages and civilians on a daily basis, and instead of opening new platforms, the response called for forcing the rebels and mercenaries to stop their ongoing aggression against cities and villages, lift the siege on cities and open roads, by imposing sanctions that deter them and their supporters.
The parties to the initiative are the same parties as Jeddah platform and the topics are identical to what was agreed upon.
The response, according to a statement by the Foreign Ministry, affirmed the need for prior consultation with the Sudanese government on the form and agenda of any negotiations and the parties participating in or attending them, while stressing that the Jeddah forum and the agreement reached therein should be the basis.
In its response, the Sudanese government requested a meeting with the US government to prepare well for the peace negotiations in a way that achieves the benefits expected by the Sudanese people.
The Foreign Ministry said in its statement, “The response of the Sudanese government expressed thanks for all the sincere efforts to end the war waged by the terrorist militia of the rebel Mohamed Hamdan Daglo against the Sudanese people.” It renewed its readiness to engage in any negotiations to end the occupation of the terrorist rebel militia of cities, villages, citizens’ homes, public and private facilities, lift the siege on cities, and open roads for humanitarian aid.
The government stressed that it is the most keen to preserve the blood of the Sudanese and preserve their dignity.
It will cooperate with any party seeking to do so.

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