
Warnings of Highway Blockade due to Floods

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi
The IGAD Regional Center for Climate Forecasts and Applications and the Sudanese Meteorological Authority expected heavy rains on the Eritrean Plateau, leading to the flooding of the Gash River, and warned of heavy rains during the period from (31) July 2024 until August 7 of this year in a number of areas of the country, expected to be accompanied by flash floods and floods of creeks and valleys that may lead to damage to property,highway blockades and threaten lives.
While forecasts indicate that these rains will affect the states of Kassala, Gedarif, Sennar, southern Red Sea state, Gezira , Khartoum, central and northern White Nile state, southern River Nile and Northern states and northern North Kordofan state, western and central North Darfur state, and northern West Darfur state.

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