
Foreign Ministry: Militia caused Famine in Zamzam Camp

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused, on Saturday, the Rapid Support RSF Militia of being behind the famine that struck the “Zamzam” camp for the IDPs  due to its continued siege of the city of El Fasher and obstruction of the delivery of humanitarian and medical aid.
A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “the militia is the one who caused the spread of hunger in Zamzam camp as part of the starvation strategy it is pursuing.”
The statement stressed that not using a specific border crossing is not the reason for the failure of relief to reach those in need.
The statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the Rapid Support Forces defied Security Council Resolution No. 2736 of 2024, by continuing its siege of the city of El Fasher and bombing hospitals, IDPs  camps, markets, mosques and public facilities.
In its statement, the ministry called for a firm international stance towards the militia and its supporters and deterring its persistence in committing atrocities and disregarding international legitimacy.

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