Tin Drums (4)

As I see it
Adel El-Baz
That is the last drum beating in the world space now to rush to the aid of the hungry in Sudan and not Gaza!! The truth is that the drums of hunger and famine began months ago, but they have escalated madly now and the (shouting ) has risen after the release of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report last month. Then the noise increased after a committee of food security experts issued a report last Thursday, about the outbreak of famine in the Darfur region in the city of El Fasher, Zamzam camp.!! Know, man, that according to. Adam Regal, the official spokesperson for the refugee camps, there are 171 camps in Darfur, and among those camps is camp (only one) in which famine occurred, according to their claim, and it is a camp affiliated with Abdel Wahid Mohamed Nour, who has detained these poor people there for decades to trade them politically. As for the rest of the camps, they are 100% safe and no famine has occurred in them. Because of the famine, this camp (one) began to play. Brandt Gast, head of the Enough Organization, wrote a long article in the Washington Post, and Linda Johnson, the US Ambassador to the Security Council, made a long statement last week about the famine in Sudan, and Tom did not hesitate. Perillo, the UN Secretary-General’s envoy to Sudan, tweeted in the same direction, and behind them played the band (Taqddum ) carrying tin drums with multiple hashtags announcing famine in Sudan!!. Imagine this because of one camp only, according to their report!! The biased newspapers, news agencies, and websites with an agenda rushed behind them, picking up the news without scrutiny, to announce in broad strokes (declaring famine in Sudan!!). Did you see how they did the falsification and fooling around? They use hunger and manipulate people’s lives and tragedies to support the political agenda. What is required of this campaign is to pressure the government to open the crossings and stop the war to save the militia, and then under this pressure it is supposed to rush to Geneva, obeying the American agenda that is trying to find a way out for the militia from its predicament and score a point in favor of the Democrats in the upcoming elections!!, and these are the reasons for all the famine fuss.
Before we come to the definition of famine and hunger according to the definitions of the United Nations and food experts and the standards they rely on, we would like to ask some questions to the gentlemen who beat the drums of famine for their political purposes.
First, is there hunger in the sense of a shortage of food? My answer is, of course, yes, there is a shortage of food and therefore a higher rate of hunger, but has famine reached the fifth stage, which is the stage when hunger levels reach it, a state of famine is declared globally?
According to the United Nations itself, this has not happened yet. There is STARVATION, not FAMINE. This is according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report issued last month, in which more than ten agencies concerned with the issue of food in the world participated. The same report says that only 13 regions are experiencing food shortages out of more than 50 regions in Sudan that do not suffer from food shortages.!!
Suppose there is a famine indeed… what are its causes and what is the main factor in it? Is it caused by nature or by an agent? And who is the agent? We must know its causes in order to eliminate it, as relief is not a cure for famine, but rather its radical cure is to uproot its causes.
Assuming that famine also, what has the world done to save the hungry from death?
According to the famine group… people are dying in Darfur… meaning that the world must quickly bring in food through all the open and available crossings north, south, west or anywhere else… So why the insistence on one crossing (Adre), which is the crossing around which all this fuss is now taking place, and which is controlled by the rebel militias, at a time when the government agreed to bring in food to Darfur through the (Tina) crossing after the relief is subject to inspection and monitoring, which is rejected by the United Nations UN organizations that continue to howl to open the crossings? Why the insistence on Adre, a single crossing for all of Darfur? There is something behind the false humanitarian slogans.
Dr. Amjad Farid saved me the trouble of answering the first question in his article in Al Majalla magazine (Famine in Sudan… A Tragedy Caused by a Doer) last July issue. Dr. Amjad says (justifying this catastrophe and human suffering as the result of the April 15, 2023 war alone is a limited analysis, as even war in our modern era has its laws and rules that govern the behavior of the warring parties to limit the impact of the fighting on civilians. The Rapid Support Forces RSF militia has followed, since the outbreak of its war with the Sudanese army forces SAF , a starvation siege strategy that aimed to pressure citizens to submit or force them to join it.
At the beginning of the war, the militia besieged areas crowded with hundreds of thousands of residents, such as Tuti Island, and neighborhoods such as Bant, Abbasiya, Al-Fatehab, and Al-Muhandisin in Khartoum state during its control of the city of Omdurman, and prevented citizens from leaving them and prevented them from entering food and supplies, which led to a number of deaths among citizens due to hunger and thirst in those areas.
The militia imposed a similar siege on the areas it controlled in Gezira state, and food and food supplies were used as a weapon to force the youth to enlist and join its ranks. News reports documented that included An investigation into at least 750 people, including at least 65 children under the age of 18, who were forced to join and be recruited into the RSF by means of starvation and threats of food cuts to their areas in Gezira state between January and March 2024. Just days earlier, on 14 July 2024, the RSF attacked a convoy of local traders travelling from the villages of Fangoga al-Gharbia and Umm Hegligah to collect supplies from the weekly market in Umm Samima, 75 kilometres north of Umm Rawaba town in North Kordofan.
Militia members opened fire indiscriminately on the convoy to prevent them from continuing, killing 23 people instantly, injuring dozens more, and disrupting supply convoys. A consistent pattern has emerged as the war has continued, with RSF fighters systematically confiscating and withholding food from civilians when they take control of a civilian area.