
UN Official: Humanitarian Catastrophe is growing Every Day in Sudan

Sudan Events – Agencies

The Regional Coordinator for Refugees in Sudan and Director of the Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)in East Africa, the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region, Mamadou Diane Balde, said that warning signs of famine in Sudan have been present for months, but now there is an unfortunate confirmation of the existence of famine in North Darfur.

Balde explained that in addition to the horrific atrocities affecting human rights, the forced displacement of more than 10 million people since the beginning of the war in Sudan, and the lack of basic services for a large segment of the population, “the most urgent humanitarian disaster in the world is growing and deepening every day, and threatens to engulf the entire region.”

He added in a statement, “It is a clear indication of the vulnerability of people forced to flee, many of whom have been forced to flee multiple times.”

The Regional Coordinator for Refugees in Sudan warned that the arrival of millions of refugees and displaced persons is putting pressure on host communities to the point of collapse. “As famine and hunger worsen amidst the violence in Sudan, those crossing the border in search of safety will arrive in even more dire situations ,” he added.

He affirmed that urgent action is vital to avoid further death and suffering, adding that “this bloody war must end and humanitarian workers must be able to reach those in need to deliver life-saving assistance.”

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