
Al-Atta’s Messages.. Emphasizing the Cohesion of the SAF Commanders.. (Sudan Events ) interrogates experts and commanders of the armed movements

Sudan Liberation “Leadership Council”: The aspirations of the rebels and their supporters are the occurrence of differences within the  SAF
Strategic Expert: The militia failed to seize power and is working to create a rift in the military institution
Justice and Equality:  Al-Atta’s confirmations are necessary to silence the isolated voices that are trying to spread rumors about the unity of the army’s leadership
Sudan TV hosted, on Saturday, a member of the Sovereignty Council TSC Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the SAF, Lt.Gen.Yassir Al-Atta, who answered a number of questions during the dialogue with complete transparency and clarity, and sent a number of messages, particularly regarding the following: The relationship that links the army leadership and his confirmation that there is no disagreement between him and the SAF  commander, Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan or his deputy, Lt. Gen. Shams El-Din Kabashi, and the unity of the leadership’s decision in the judiciary and the militia. (Sudan Events ) raised questions to military experts and leaders of armed movements about what Al-Atta stated and its implications in the following space.
Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim
Pointing the Dots :
The speech given by the Assistant Commander of the SAF, Lt.Gen.Yassir Al-Atta, and his confirmation that there are no differences between him, Burhan, and Kabashi, put the dots on the letters in light of the talks that are renewed from time to time about the existence of differences within the army leadership, particularly with regard to the management of battles and military operations, in addition to the peaceful path and negotiations with the Rapid Support RSFMilitia.
Start of the Talk :
The talk began about a dispute between Al-Atta and Kabashi when the former defended the popular resistance, and affirmed that “there is nothing preventing the involvement of members of the party of former President Omar al-Bashir in military operations in support of the SAF .
Al-Atta said that “the presence of elements of the former regime within the ranks of the popular resistance is like the presence of other elements of other political organizations,” which some interpreted as a response to Kabashi, who warned of politicians controlling the camps of the popular resistance after Kabashi criticized the popular resistance at the time, indicating that it “could turn into the greatest danger to Sudan, if a law is not issued to regulate its work and control the distribution of weapons to volunteers.
Rebels’ Wishes
The President’s Assistant for Political Affairs of the Sudan Liberation Army Movement( SLAM)  (Leadership Council) Osama Mukhtar Omar Makhtum says that the wishes of the rebels and their supporters are for disagreements and divisions to occur in the leadership of the armed forces.
He added that in fact there will be no problem that requires disagreement between the leaders of the armed forces SAF , as the army is clear and its missions and responsibilities are clear as day and night, and the important stage assigned to the armed forces SAF at the present time is more important and noble than any disagreement if this part occurs, as all officers and non-commissioned officers of the armed forces  SAF and citizens who believe in a homeland free of militias and mercenaries know. Makhtoum told ( Sudan Events) : “It seems to the embassies’ agents from afar that there is a dispute in the armed forces SAF between the SAF commandment , but the truth is that President Burhan, Shams El-Din El-Kabashi and Yassir El-Atta have proven to be among the most skilled military leaders currently as a result of their steadfastness, bravery, and perseverance, and their confrontation of the world’s invasion of Sudan from all axes, and their success in uniting the Sudanese in the ranks of the resistance and managing the state in the most difficult situations.” He continued, “This is why the rumors come from corners and sites of failure, but these are just pipe dreams.
This ship will sail with strength, and the homeland will be liberated inch by inch with the determination and cohesion of the Sudanese from all corners of the country, with their different ethnicities, races and religions.”
He added, “We all agree on ending the rebellion and defeating Janjaweed.”
Consecutive victories :
The messages sent by the member of the Sovereignty Council TSC ,Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the SAF , Lt.Gen.Yassir Al-Atta, in his interview on Sudan TV, and his emphasis on the cohesion of the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF, come in conjunction with the SAF achieving successive victories in various combat sites against the Rapid Support RSF Militia, as the heroes of the SAF were able, at the beginning of this week, to repel the largest ground attack launched by the Rapid Support RSF Militia on El Fasher and eliminate the attacking force and kill the commander of the mobile unit, “Lt. Col. Khala” Musa Hamdoun.
The Fourth Infantry Division also succeeded in repelling another attack by the militia on the “Qali” area in the Solidarity locality in Blue Nile State, and other victories achieved by the armed forces SAF during the past period and are still continuing to achieve them.
A directed Opinion :
Director of the Capital Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Dr. Hassan Shaib Danqas, said that one of the most important goals of the Rapid Support RSF Militia in the current war after its failure to seize power is to create a rift in the military establishment through various media outlets and form a directed public opinion.
Danqas told Sudan Events hat the statement of the Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the SAF, Yassir Al-Atta, denying the existence of differences in the SAF ’s hierarchy is correct, and the evidence for that is the cohesion of all its military units and divisions.
He said, however, that this indicates a flaw in the strategic media vision for managing the war, as the hierarchy of the military institution is now tasked with providing needs and setting plans and policies to confront the internal and external challenges facing the country, and that the military and national media’s tasks include highlighting military cohesion, refuting rumors about it, and combating media deception by enemies, as these are considered among the most important duties at this phase .
National Meanings :
The emphasis on the cohesion and unity of the army leadership also coincides with its celebrations of the seventieth anniversary of its founding under the slogan “A people and an army for you, O homeland” which falls on the fourteenth of this August.
The official page of the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF on “Facebook” reported: Army Day.. That immortal day in which the meanings of patriotism and the values ​​of sacrifice and redemption gather in a cosmic moment and an eternal memory in which the history of heroism and epics and the strength and ability of the Sudanese people who are inhabited by the spirit of chivalry, pride and self-esteem come together.
It added: “That birth that was linked to the first military force that emerged into existence in the twenties of the last century and its clear features appeared as a modern national army on 14   August of the year one  (August 14, 1954) .. with the receipt of the first Sudanese commander of the Sudan Defense Force, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Mohamed .. to begin a journey of giving whose dowry was blood, souls and lives.”
It continued, “That history has remained an inspiration for this noble army throughout the ages The Sudanese Armed Forces SAF built a strong fortress for this country, pouring out the determination of men, patience and bravery on it, embraced by its brave, patient and steadfast people who did not delay in a position of support nor did they fall behind in the processions of sacrifice. They continued to support it with the most precious of their children in a continuous march despite the war and calamities. Generation after generation, men who write epics with determination, raising perfection from field to field.
They never faltered, broke, or split in their souls. “And it added, “Rifles and flags fill the spaces of the homeland.. and today in the battle of dignity, the same covenant is renewed, so the slogan emerges radiantly, filling the horizons, a people and an army for you, my homeland.
And from between the folds of the drawn slogan, the meanings of the colors that form the features of the flag of the country emerge, around which the people of Sudan and its armed forces rally, so that it flutters high with their cohesion in the arenas of sacrifice, and the green khaki color shines, amidst seventy years of glory and sacrifice.”
Role Exchange :
Yasser Al-Atta’s positions, which some have placed within the context of the differences between him, Burhan and Kabashi, do not seem different, as they come within the context of role exchange between the army commandment , particularly since they are consistent with the mobilization and rallying to gain support forces for the army to achieve victory against the Rapid Support RSF Militia, and they are also inseparable from the orientations of the Commander-in-Chief of the SAF , Burhan, and his deputy, Kabashi.
The leader of the Justice and Equality Movement( JEM) Hassan Ibrahim Fadl, says that Yassir Al-Atta’s confirmation that there are no differences between the SAF commandment is a response to the miserable attempts that the militia’s mouthpieces and the forces that are advancing are trying to imagine that there are differences between the army commandment and delude them with that and an attempt to influence public opinion that has united around the battle of dignity, based on their conviction that the militia and the political powers that support it are the real danger to the unity of the homeland and the main threat to the citizen, considering that the militia only targets citizens, whether by bombing or by looting and stealing their property and occupying their homes.
Fadl told Sudan Events hat Atta’s assurances are necessary to silence the isolated voices that are trying to spread rumors about the unity of the army’s leadership in order to create an imaginary victory that is far from being achieved.

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