
Cunning of History at the End of the Islamists’ experience in Government

Osman Jalal

The worst conclusions in the experience of the national Islamic movement in government, which lasted for thirty years, are that the Islamic movement took power through a coup on June 30, 1989 against the government of the Imam and national leader Sadiq al-Mahdi. The reasons for the coup were summarized in three reasons. The first is that the memorandum of the Sudanese Army SAF Commandment , which was submitted to the Prime Minister in February 1989, placed Sudan in the circle of open coup. The second reason is that the West does not allow democracy to give birth to an Islamic child, otherwise it will rush to nip it in the bud because any Islamic renaissance project founded on the guidance of religion and democracy stands in contradiction to the Western renaissance founded on the apostasy of religion from the economy, politics and culture.
The third reason is that the rebellion led by Dr. Garang is expanding by force of arms and is about to swallow Sudan with its racist nationalist project that is hostile to the values ​​of Arabism and Islam.
After thirty years of rule, the security committee of President al-Bashir’s regime carried out a military coup on April 11, 2019. Then the leaders of the Security Committee disappeared from the political scene and a group of agents and scum assumed the transitional authority, who turned the wheel of political history back to the same moment that preceded the June 30, 1989 coup.
After signing the constitutional document in August 2019, Sudan became entirely run by foreign embassies to the point that the British ambassador drafted a memorandum requesting the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) without the knowledge of the Sovereignty and Ministerial Councils.
A red veto was imposed to exclude Islamists from political life, and they were almost classified as a terrorist group, as our arch-friend Mohamed Al-Faki Suleiman stated.
Then Daglo family militia grew politically, economically and militarily and was employed by the external alliance to eliminate the Islamists from their roots in exchange for the rule of Sudan hereditarily being transferred to Daglo family and the Atawa ethnic group.
The success of this project meant the disintegration and collapse of the Sudanese state. 3)
History is truly cunning and plots evil against those who do not learn from it, as Hegel mentioned.
Since the Islamists came to power in June 1989, the strategic goal of the regional and international alliance aimed at overthrowing the Islamists’ experience in government has not changed.
Rather, the tactics have changed until they overthrown it from within its solid structure, according to the theory of strategic approach. While the strategy of the Islamist movement in comprehensive civilizational change through authority and state institutions and its slogan “God wills by authority what He does not by the Quran” has turned into a mere tactic. Then the malicious external alliance employed the contradictions of the Islamists to overthrow their experience in government.
Thus, the Islamists were adept at tactics of overthrowing the experience of government, and failed in strategies of holding on to it with their molars and pledging patient and continuous reform until the democratic example matures. 4)
However, the Islamists still have the opportunity to regain confidence in themselves through comprehensive unity in a new vanguard entity and new leadership. And to regain the confidence of society by melting into it to create a comprehensive national renaissance project based on the valleys of freedom and sustainable democracy. Before this and that, fighting with the Sudanese army shoulder to shoulder in the battle of dignity and national honor to defeat the project of dismantling Sudan on identity grounds.

Monday. 05/08/2024

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